4 Calling Birds

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"Are you truly sure Dark Cocoa is still alive?" Black Raisin Cookie watched Pure Vanilla pack his bag.

"I'm sure," He said softly.

Black Raisin crossed her arms, "how can you be so sure!"

"instinct" Pure Vanilla laughed gently

"instinct?" Her voice raised slightly, "Pure Vanilla, you only heal! You barely even know anything about fighting!" Black Raisin walked over, "how can you just say instincts?"

Pure Vanilla only smiled, he patted her shoulder, "Raisin, I promise to come back in one piece!" he chuckled

Black Raisin huffed, "I swear if you don't come back by new years, i'm going to go and find you!"

Pure Vanilla smiled, this silly cookie..

"I should hurry, the train will be leaving soon" He started to walk out.

"Hey!" Black Raisin called.

"Yes?" Pure Vanilla stopped,

"Don't you think you're forgetting something?" Black Raisin walked over.

"I don't believe so.." Pure Vanilla opened his eyes slightly.

"Your Orchid staff?" She handed the staff over, "and maybe a pair of shoes!" she grabbed his wrist pulling him back into the room, "don't you know it's cold out there? and you still want to walk around barefooted!" she scolded.

Pure Vanilla could only smile, she had always been like this, she was very protective of her friends.

By the time Black Raisin finally believed that Pure Vanilla was safe enough to go, she walked him to the train station. When he got onto the train she waved goodbye, with her eyes twitching slightly.

When the train pulled out of the station, Pure Vanilla let out a long sigh. He loved his dear friend Black Raisin, but he too, needed a breather from some cookies sometimes.

"S-sir?" a squeaky voice asked.

Pure Vanilla looked down, it was a jelly bear attendant, "Yes?" he smiled slightly

"F-follow me this way, sir!" the Jelly Bear squeaked

Pure Vanilla nodded and followed the bear.

"Th-this will be your couchette, sir!" The Bear opens the door to a spacious room.

"Oh wonderful!" Pure Vanilla opened his eyes and peered in, he couldn't see everything perfectly, but he still liked the color! It was white, it reminded him of his friend.

"No problem!" The Bear smiled, "have a good rest, sir!" The Bear did a tiny bow and quickly left.

Pure Vanilla entered the room closing the door behind him, how spacious. He walked around getting used to the new environment.

Pure Vanilla's attention was always very little, sure it has strengthened over time. But when he was by himself, 95% of his attention span was thrown out the window. So of course when he saw the blankets his eyes brightened in excitement.

"I should rest.." nodding to himself, then he gracefully walked over to the bed and flopped down,

"Finally a time to be a little childish, no more nagging cookies!" he giggled

He rolled around the bed, messing up the blankets. Soon wrapping himself into a burrito. Like a pig in a blanket! He thought. He wiggled around finding a comfortable position.

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