Six geese a-laying

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Espresso walked down the stairs, he had just come from the garden.

Why was he in the garden? Well, he was enjoying his time reading.

Why was he leaving?


Many cookies assumed Espresso hated or even despised Madeleine, but that wasn't the case.

He didn't hate or Despise Madeleine, in fact, he and that cookie were in a very healthy relationship at the moment, just no one knew of this relationship, not even Latte.

Espresso very much loved that cookie, he was strong, kind, he was very mild-mannered when he wasn't speaking of the divine, and he was very good looking too.

Espresso doesn't exactly hate anyone, he just found some cookies more annoying than others on certain days.

For instance, his dearest love, Madeleine

Espresso wasn't a fan of loud cookies, he enjoyed the quietness, that's why he liked the flower atlas in the kingdom.

Espresso loved flowers; they couldn't speak, they smelt nice, well some, and they were just peaceful to look at!

He wouldn't have thought that Madeleine would stop by the flower atlas today. It gave him such a big shock that he accidentally threw his book at a flower bed. He wanted to search for it, but he also didn't want to be spotted by Madeleine, Madeleine tended to hug Espresso whenever he saw him in public.

Madeleine knew of Espresso's personality, and thoughts of being hugged in public, but thats why Madeleine does what he does, he loves seeing Espresso flustered and mad most of the time.

Espresso remembered the confession rather clearly, in fact it had been Espresso who had confessed first, he even cried when he realized what he had just said, but Madeleine laughed his ass off, while Espresso glared at him with red eyes.

Espresso decided that he would just come back and grab it during the night.

As he climbed down the stairs he saw a bunch of cookies coming up the stairs, one was GingerBrave and a few of his friends.

"Oh! Hello Espresso!" Gingerbrave waved his hands.

Espresso nodded, "Hello, Gingerbave"

"Are you going to the flower atlas?" Gingerbrave smiled

Espresso smiled, "no I just came from there"

"Oh, how ironic, I'll see you later then!" Gingerbrave chuckled.

"Same to y-"


Espresso stiffened

"Oh hello Gingerbrave!" Madeleine ran down the stairs with a grin,

"How are you this fine evening?" He stopped by Espresso side, he wasn't wearing any of his armor, just a plain white shirt with long puffy sleeves with black pants and his gold boots, his hair was even braided, this time tied with a red ribbon.

"Hello, Madeleine! I'm doing fine, you?"

"Splendid!" Madeleine laughed heartily.

Espresso learnt from his last mistake, don't make your leaving aware, just silently smile and walk away.

"I have something to share with Espresso, farewell friend!" Madeleine smiled

"Oh, alright!" Gingerbave seemed worried, and he had the right to be worried.

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