Three French Hen

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We will arrive at the castle of Pure Vanilla kingdom in half-an-hour, so please sit tight, thank you!

Herb Cookie sat in the comfy red seating of the Bear Jelly train, he tends to travel back and forth between the castle and other parts of the Kingdom, he has many friends and family's in the kingdom.

But the reason for heading back to the castle is because he misses his CookieSnap!

But most of all, he missed Sparkling Cookie!

Sparkling and him have been friends ever since they met in their old home.

They were both very young Cookie when they met, Herb could have been considered an extroverted nerd, and Sparkling was a party freak.

Total polar opposites.

Their first talk wasn't very easy either, Sparkling had a very thick German accent during this time.

Herb chuckled at this memory, Herb always liked everyone, and if he didn't? Well, he faked it till he made it! But Sparkling? Oh he hated him!

He utterly despises that cookie when they first meet!

All Sparkling cared about was partying and drinking, nothing more.

Herb just wanted to find a place to live and start a new life, he thought he could avoid that cookie, but he was wrong. It almost seemed like Sparkling Cookie was everywhere.

Local stores, party's, fairs.

He even had himself a harem!

He remember the one time when he went to get jellies and he ran into Sparkling Cookie

He was taking pictures with all his fangirls. There was a huge crowd blocking his way into the shop, Herb had tried to make his way through, but he didn't make it far till he was grabbed by the wrist.

"Hey! Everyone has to wait their turn, you're no more special than the cookie beside you!" The stranger yelled


"Why the fight? If cookie wants a picture, he gets picture!" Someone waid.c

"No, no need-" Herb backed away from the taller man.

"Don't be shy my friend, come come!" Sparkling grabbed his wrist and took a photo of them, "What's your phone number..?" He looked over with a smile.

"Phone..?" Herb, didn't like the idea of having a phone.

"Yes, a phone" Sparkling waved his phone.

"No phone" Herb said quickly

"Why no phone? Too poor?" Sparking asked, his voice seemed to be mocking Herb, but his eyes showed he was curious and concerned.

But Herb look at his eyes, "yes, no phone, alright?" He shoved Sparkling aside, "no need to send me a photo, I didn't want one anyways" He mumbled.

Herb giggled, he thought he would never meet a cookie like Young Sparkling again, but he did.

~Please gather your belongings, we'll be arriving in 10 minutes, thank you!~

Standing up, Herb reached into the side cabinet and garbed his bags.

Another memory came to him, it was the day they bump into each other at a side café

"Oh it's you!" At this time, Sparkling German accent had lessened, he still had it but you could understand him much better.

"Oh.. you are?" Herb had also changed a lot, his hair had grown a lot and he was going to school to be a Healer.

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