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Seven Months Later

It’s September. So much has happened its like we are leading different lives. I don’t know what to tell you first. Okay, so I’ll start at the top maybe. So El and I got married! It was amazing an amazing day and although its not really changed any surface deep arrangements we had its like we now have an unspoken and unbreakable deep bond that, no matter what, cant be broken by anything. It’s like we are two halves of a whole. And I don’t care if it sounds corny because I love her and I want to spend the whole of my life with her so I guess it’s a good place to start the journey of marriage, with all these feelings, right? Right.

 Oh and also El is pregnant and is due in just under six weeks. She’s having twins. If we hadn’t had had Imogen and Nate so very close together we might have been more scared about this than we were but currently we were just really excited about expanding our family again. We found out in July they are both boys and El decided she wanted to call them Valentine and Romance. I guess they were kind of weird names but she let me decide their middle names so I decided to give them more common names so I concluded they would be Valentine Ellis and Romance Sebastian Patrick so at lease, if they wanted they could be called by something a little more normal if they wanted to. But that was a long time in the future.

 Talking of expanding family…Lidia gave birth to El and I’s half sister at the end of august. It sounds very bazaar but along with being my sister she is also my sister-in-law. She is called Marilyn and despite the huge amount of disagreements, arguments and tears she caused in the build up to her arrival (especially between my mum and dad and there was quite a lot of friction between mum and Lidia, although dad and Lidia seamed to be quite civil towards each other throughout the months) I love her as much as I love Mina. She is as cute as a button and sleeps a lot more than Imogen or Nate ever did at two months. She is a weird little specimen because of her physical components. I mean, she looks a little bit like Nate in a way. Not a lot but just a tiny bit, like her eye shape and cherub bow lips, which were an exact replica of Lidia, Alayna’s and Nate’s alike. Her skin was as pale as mine instead of caramel like El’s because it was due to El’s dad that she was the sun kissed glow she was. El also adored her and even though we were so busy with children and things I will mention momentarily she always found time in between appointment and such to spend a half hour or so with her before she had to rush of to some thing or other.

And whilst we are talking about babies, there has been a sudden rush of them in Noel’s life. Courtney, Polly and Callie all gave birth with in a month of each other and they were all his. He had decided to go back to Callie and it actually looked like it might be working for the time being. He and Callie had a daughter called Beatrice and on the couple of occasions El and I went over to visit them after they had had her it was easy to see how happy Noel had become. After he strongly rejected the family life for so long it finally caught up with him but he didn’t really seam to mind about it any more.

Courtney had had a little boy, Mattie, and although we hadn’t had time to meet him yet, it was kind of a half priority because although Courtney hadn’t seen Imogen since she handed her over to El and I, Mattie and Immy were half brother and sister and I think it morally right to let them get to know each other and know they are related.

I didn’t really know much about Polly because she wasn’t welcome freely at Noels anymore and although her child, Ruben, was Noel’s third child I have a feeling the poor thing drew the short straw because Noel wasn’t as interested in him as he should be and Callie was rightly uptight about Noel’s ex’s being let into the house. So that was that.

Robin; Kids at 19Where stories live. Discover now