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The next Tuesday I sit my history exam and the following day I sat my English exam. Due to all my revision I get an A in both which nearly surprised the eyebrows off of me especially as for the past two years I had virtually chain smoked wacky ‘backy for the whole duration.

“Wow! That’s amazing babes” Courtney had commented after discovering she had a U an E and a D. I had nodded and ignored her. She wasn’t put out by my nonchalance and distance.

The next day I had music again and I had the idea to apologies to Alayna for Courtney’s behavior but when we are all in the room she sits at the other side of the room and avoids eye contact. It looked like I wouldn’t get to talk to her after all but then Mr. Greenwood starts nagging at her because she hadn’t finished the current recoding. She looks passively at him as he orders her to go to the studio and come up with something she can hand in.

“Robin you go with her and help” he adds as an afterthought. I get up and follow after her faded footsteps and wonder why he sent me out of everyone in the class. Maybe it was because Benjamin and I always handed in the best recordings or something. I catch up with her halfway across the courtyard and we make our way silently to the recording studio. I turn on the computer when we arrive and open her file, which hadn’t been configured since I last helped her.

“I don’t even know why I should do this” she breaks the silence “, its pointless” she sighs and droops slightly in her chair.

“Yeah but you might get kicked off the course if you don’t do it” I say.

“I know. But I’ve been given notice that I have to leave the school. Today is my last day” she comments, idly swinging on her chair.

“Oh man that sucks. Why are you getting kicked out? Were you really naughty?” I tease.

“No. It was because I failed those exams we just had”

“Ass, man. Don’t you need like No marks to fail?” I ask and think of dumb Courtney and her U, E and D. She must have cheated or something but I didn’t expect Alayna to be that stupid.

“I don’t know.” She says “, But do you want to know why I failed?”

Because she’s dumber than Courtney? It seams the prettier they are the dumber they become.

“Because…Because of you” she whispers, her eyes fixated determinedly on the floor.

“Because of me?” I repeat confused.

“Yeah. I was so busy just thinking about…you and how maybe we could…you know…and then Courtney came along and it just kind of…wobbled me…” she continues but I was so surprised that she’d made a move on me and not vise versa that I lost focus for a second. She then looks at me in the eyes and murmurs

“Because I think I love you”

I watch her cheeks flush with rose and she duck her head. She looks so innocent and adorable that I cant resist and I open my arms to her.

“Come here Alayna” I say and she’s in my lap in moments. I hug her and feel her breasts against me. Oh man. She smelt of her coconut mix and it made her hard to resist.

“If only there was no Courtney,” I whisper in her ear. “I’m rubbish at dumping girls”.

We pull away and regard each other for a moment. I start to lean towards her, her ruby glossy lips beckoning me in.

“Robin,” she puts a hand on my chest. “I don’t want you to be unfaithful to Courtney,” she pauses for a second. “Its not that I don’t want to. I do very much want to its just that its…wrong”

Robin; Kids at 19Where stories live. Discover now