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February 1st is when Alayna moves into her new house. I watch our relationship turn from frequent and luscious dates to a seriously intense long-term set up about which I have no qualms at all because I have fallen in love with her. With out much said I move in with her and her endearment to me takes us to the point where I never really move out again, but it is wonderful.

She is kind and caring and always eager to please me and as she had dropped out of education she spend a lot of time pursuing this. And virtually every single day we would have sex that fizzed me to the very core. Her naive innocence turned me on almost as much as her beautiful tasty body, so perky and firm under my wandering fingers that I could hardly help but indulge myself in her, especially as she was always wiling to let me.

I enjoy her company and it gets to the point that on the weekdays that I attend college I start to miss her and am glad when she wraps her arms around me again when I return home.

I find myself spending less and less time with my family but I get the impression that they felt it was about time I moved out anyway.

“Not that we don’t miss you” mum assures me down the phone when I call her to make sure she is okay. “Oh and also your dad and I want you to have words with that Courtney of yours. She’s been…loitering”

I sigh with passive anger. What the hell did she want? I say I will call her and I say goodbye. When I call Courtney later I with hold my number so she can’t badger me on it and I tell her to back the hell off. She pines and whines for a while, begging for me to return to her but all I can do is shake my head in disgust, like she has no shame. After ten minutes of her whining I start to loose my patience and mention Callie and Alayna’s idea that she had been sleeping with Noel even when she and I were supposedly together. She goes quiet for a few seconds before she starts to cry and bumbles that ‘I was never suppose to find out’ and ‘It meant nothing’.

I hang up the phone with the utmost disgust. If there was never going to be a second chance before her confession, there was no way in hell there would be after.

I didn’t even care that Noel had been sleeping with her. I mean that’s just what Noel did.


Let me take you to about four months into our harmonious and wonderful romance. It’s just a normal Thursday at college, which starts to change when I call Alayna to see if she wants anything bringing in and she doesn’t answer her phone. I consider it odd because she always answers but I assume she was probably in the bath or something and let it slide. I turn the ignition on in my car and the radio blares on.

Led Zeppelin. Nice! As I drive back to my sweetheart my thoughts wander to El’s friends.

I have an acquaintance with her best friend, Callie, as Noel had had a long on/off relationship with her, even if for a lot of the time all there is was a relationship between his dick and her mouth (Noel did like to gloat) but she didn’t really seam to mind. Even when I had told El about Courtney and Noel, and she had no doubt passed it on to Callie, there didn’t seam to be a glitch in their relations. Probably because Noel was the biggest sweet talking womanizer I had ever met.

I’d stumbled across a couple of her other friends at parties and in class but no one really stood out like Alayna herself.

The Led Zep song had barely concluded its solo before I was pulling up the front drive. I park and make my way up the front steps and push open the front door.

“El?” I call. She doesn’t answer. I take few steps further into the entrance hall and call out again. I can hear music coming from our bedroom so I decide to head towards it. She has playing a Fats Domino album, whom she adores, at full blast and it’s only when I turn it down a little that I heard her crying from our on suite bathroom.

Robin; Kids at 19Where stories live. Discover now