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One day towards the end of the first term Benjamin and I were in the studio and shortly after we arrived and set up Noel appeared sheepishly with Courtney in tow behind him. He knew how cross I was at him for making her think it would be okay if we were together but he knew that it would take a lot to completely jeopardize our friendship of about eleven years. They didn’t really want anything apart from to skip class so Noel settled himself in a corner and started rolling joints for later and Courtney started flapping around me, pretending to be interested in the process of recording when all she was doing was getting in the way.

 After a while I gave up trying to do any actual work and just set up the mixing desk so that Benjamin could record a basic drum line before retreating to the spinney chair in front of the desk and resigning to let Courtney sit on my lap. I could feel all her bones and I decided that to spite her I would take her out for a meal somewhere that only had really bad food on the menu to start to attempt to pad her out a bit. Maybe somewhere like Ed’s Diner or something.

I was just considering how many meals it would take before her hollow cheeks would start to fill with a natural flab when the door to the outside world suddenly opens and Alayna walks in, looking as fine as ever in a pale cream dress that boosted her cleavage and complimented her caramel skin tone. She didn’t notice Courtney at first but when she did her expression changed, ever so slightly but still noticeable non the less. She declined my offer to stay and record after Benjamin had finished his recording and left in a stumbling hurry. I cannot blame her; I wish I could get away for Courtney like that. I could see the hurt in Alayna’s eyes at the sight of Courtney drooling over me. I didn’t see her for ages after that which made me feel sad because I quite like spending time with her and although she was either incredible shy or a woman of very few words I liked her personality and her beautiful curves did nothing to hurt my opinion of her.

It came to half term and I pretended I had gone to Wales for a holiday to avoid Courtney and instead I spent most of the week at Ben’s house, rivaling him on Halo. It was defiantly better than being constantly bombarded by Courtney.

When we returned to school Courtney was back like a leech and it was so tiresome. I used a bunch of excuses to try and keep away from her but one that worked and she actually believed enough to not question was that I had to attend a lot of exam prep sessions during lunch and I would spend a lot of time with Clarke at one extra study class or another. I felt like a nerd but at least Courtney wouldn’t want to hang around in a room where the deeply philological meaning of ‘Periclese’ was simply just beneath the delicate layering of iambic pentameter and verse structure. YAWN!

But by the time exams would come around in early January I would be so ready I’d probably get A’s. On the 3rd of December I celebrated my 19th birthday. It wasn’t' a big deal, the Ben’s, Clarke and I hung at Noels for the evening and we all got very high and very drunk. As a present mum and dad got me a MacBook, which was great and rather unexpected because usually Mina knows before hand what I’m going to get and tells me. As it was only a few days until Christmas everyone was in raised spirits until the house became crowded with uncles family. My uncle, Michael was dad’s brother and he came along with his wife, Marie and their five children; Orla, Maya, Josh, Harvey and Liana with their ages ranging from six to fifteen.

Thankfully mum was an only child and both our sets of grandparents lived less than ten minutes away (unlike Michael who lived in Scotland) so they didn’t have to say for Christmas week in our crowded house. Christmas was nice if a little loud, but by the time school rolled around again in January I was more than ready to go back because I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

Second lesson was music class and I didn’t know it but I was in for (almost) the biggest shock ever. As I walked in, cursing Courtney for pouncing on me earlier, I see a half familiar face smiling above a striking red dress, which clung closely to her boobs.

Robin; Kids at 19Where stories live. Discover now