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As the weeks passed he managed to draw me in to going to the studio more and more often until I would go without him sometimes.  One of these occasions I was part way through perfecting the EQ on the bass track when Alayna walks in in the most boob hugging dress ever.

“Hey” she says and smiles at me. I smile back and try to keep eye contact.

“Are you recording something or are you just mixing?” she asks glancing at the computer screen above the mixing desk.

“I’m suppose to be recording but Benjamin isn’t here so you know… I cant really” I sigh. You would think that starting early we would have finished early but Benjamin is a perfectionist, plus he couldn’t decide on a song he wanted to do so we had recorded about three and a half songs and each one had about two or three versions of it.

“Okay. It’s just that I have a lot of stuff to record still. If your only mixing would you mind if I just kind of recorded bass and vocals so at least I’ll have something to work with later?” she asks twiddling her thumbs and letting her eyes dart as if eye contact burnt.

 “Hey, yeah, that would be fine. Do you want me to do the whole mixing desk side of things? I mean I’m no genius but whenever Greenwood starts on about it you kind of glaze over or something” I ask her

“That will be because I’m totally hopeless at the whole thing. I don’t know why I’m continuing with Music Tech because I think I picked the wrong music class at the start. But anyway it would be great if you could do the desk”. She walks over to the bass in the corner and starts to attempt to tune it. As she passes me I could smell a faint hint of coconut on her. It smelt so sweet and delicious in the hot and fouls smelling studio that I wanted to bury my head in her sent and stay there for a long time.

She starts to play the riff from Smells Like Teen Spirit then stops and says:

“That’s about all there is to it”

I nod vaguely and when she went next door to plug the bass into the amp I half watch her bum wiggle as she walks. Her cheeks were perfectly round and I wanted to feel them, warm and juicy in my hands. I imagined it for a moment, savoring the idea before forcing myself to refocus and continue with the recording process.

She plays virtually the same riff for 5 minutes. It was slightly tiresome.

“How was that?” she asked emerging from next door.

“Yeah it was fine apart form you could have looped it,” I say

“Yeah I could have couldn’t I? Duh!” she rolls her eyes “Well it doesn’t really matter I guess?” she adds and then we move on to start recording vocals. Whilst her attention is momentarily focused on setting up the microphone I fill my mind with the sight of her breasts. Man! I wanted to hold them so much, to squeeze and play with them. She seemed totally oblivious to the fact that I had a semi as she returned to the recording room and belted out the lyrics. Her voice was good and I told her so when she returned.

“Thanks” she glows and smiles. It was a warm smile and I couldn’t help but return it. She sat herself next to me and watched me arrange the vocals on the screen for a moment. We chat lightly for a while and I offer to record the lead guitar for her. She accepts and I take my own advice and record a few bars and then back on the computer I loop the track. The bell rings and I’d barely turned around to ask her if she had a folder on the computer when she had gone.

I made her a new folder anyway then I spotted her Blackberry on the side. I was suddenly tempted to put my number in it and let her find it later but I decided against it and got up. From the studio door I called her name to her receding back.

“Alayna!” she hears me and sheepishly comes back. She approaches without a word and waits, watching me with her beautiful golden coffee eyes. Whilst she makes eye contact I can partially see some cleavage. For a second I stare then I remember why I called her back and hand her phone over.

“Oh my god. Thanks” she says smiling slightly. I smile back then go and finish saving her recorded work. Then I go and find Noel and he is on our usual hang out bench and is talking to a girl with crazy eyelashes.

“Robin!” he says, practically delighted at my appearance. “Meet Courtney” he says then whispers in my ear “She’s so into you watch out she doesn’t rape you.” Slightly disturbed by his warning I carefully sit down next to her and wait to see if she’s as forthcoming as Noel made out.

“Hey,” she says, “Noel was telling me you like play the guitar. That is so awesome! I wish I could play”

“ Yeah…I’ve been playing for a while now” I reply awkwardly and for the next quarter of an hour she talks at me constantly. I’m glad when the bell rings and I thought that would be the end of it but when she returns at lunch I pull an unsavory face at Noel when she looks away. Oh how I hate him for this.

The next day Courtney somehow weasels her way into coming home with me for ‘guitar lessons’. We end up having sex instead, with my guitar untouched in the corner. I cannot say it was a pleasant experience as she was so freaking skinny. All elbows and knees virtually but she didn’t mind taking it anal for a while which kind of compensated for the fact that she hadn’t shut up talking for the whole day.

The next day I wish I had by passed having relations with her because she obviously saw it as a pathway to an actual relationship. The next few days she would skip her lessons to hang out with me whenever I went to the recording studio. I didn’t know how to get rid of her without hurting her feelings and being a total jerk so I let her talk at me for hours on end about the most boring shit you can ever imagine and took her up the chuff as much as I wanted. All I had to do was wait for her to do something disagreeable and she would be gone.

I tried to think about how I had broken up with my last girlfriend, Tilly. She was adorable and I wouldn’t say she was the one but I was very fond of her and she almost idolized me. I had been kind of forced to break up with her because it had been part of the barging with Mum about staying at home. She didn’t like Tilly that much because she thought she was a bad influence where as actually it was Noel who had introduced the weed and Tilly had merely happened to smell of it when she’d met Mum for the first time. We’d only been apart for about 2 and a half months so far and Courtney was defiantly in second place between the two of them. I hadn’t seen Tilly in a while because we were the same age but she hadn’t decided to return to education like I had.

Robin; Kids at 19Where stories live. Discover now