Chapter 40

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Cancel the contract.

As soon as these words came out, Song Yingshi stood still, feeling relieved.

She didn't want to be a nameless gold master a long time ago.

Putting aside her life, she didn't get any benefits in the foster relationship, but what she experienced...

Being misunderstood by a canary is a pornographic criticism, and being scared by the threat of a canary undressing, that's all. It must be supported by love and dedication every month.

No one did it.

Fortunately, she has always treated Huaixu unilaterally as an employee. As a boss who squeezes life from employees, she always has a broad mind when looking at Huaixu, so that life can go on.

Now that Huaixu wants to terminate the relationship and establish a real labor contract, Song Yingshi and her hit it off!

In the labor contract, Song Yingshi can reach the goal of doing tasks with Huaixu by negotiating terms.

Before agreeing to come down, Song Yingshi opened her mouth to make a request to Huaixu, but the system was faster than her answering.

The mechanical sound of the system was as fast as it turned on twice as fast: "Special task: reject Huaixu's request to terminate the contract."

Song Yingshi's voice was extremely gentle: "Are you crazy?"

System: "Please complete the mission."

Song Yingshi didn't think for long, and said coldly: "I refuse."

She couldn't give up on Huaixu's health. , But this task is different.

This contract is a thorn in Huai Xu.

It's not a special task, it's not just the health... it's just!

But still very distressed.

Song Yingshi couldn't help hissing slightly, fearing that he would regret it in the next second, and immediately said:

"I refuse the task, it is not happy at all to be the benefactor, I have long been enough." The system was silent, Song Yingshi ignored it, and was going to continue talking with Huaixu.

She opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't make any sound.

As if all vital signs disappeared from her body, her connection with the world was cut apart, like a sculpture standing outside the world.

Huaixu Ming is close in front of him, but like an invisible barrier between Hongyuan.

Immediately, in her body, mechanical sounds rang intensively.

"... The system has a fundamental logic error..."


"A mandatory task is upgraded to a mandatory hidden task."

"A mandatory hidden task cannot be rejected. The interpretation must be completed. If it fails, all health points will be deducted."

"The task requires an upgrade. -

Canary want to fly out of the cage, causing the owner of the monstrous anger.

Canary yet tender wings were severely broken, the owner could no longer leave.

Mission requirements: "Huai Xu refused a request to terminate the contract, warned her to sign a A more stringent new contract. The contract must not be a career-related artist contract. It must be for love.

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