Chapter 131

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【! 】
【Is it not my hallucinations? ! Just talking, ah, ah, ah]

[Sitting in dying]

[Do you really come to the show? 】

Huai Xu only said four words, but the unexpected reversal of development instantly brought the barrage to a climax, and the number soared to the highest peak since the broadcast.

Even seeing this Tao Qin's eyes lit up, puzzled and excited.

The camera immediately hit Huai Xu's face.

Huaixu's expression was the same as always, as if she didn't know what kind of thunder she had thrown into the fans.

She said indifferently,

"I'm also very quiet at night."

Miao Zi thought to herself, this is not a matter of being quiet or not, aren't the two of you at odds? Of course it was quiet and nothing was said.

Just as she was about to say it, she heard Huai Xu's clear second half sentence:

"And we have slept so many times before."

Miao Zi disagreed: "I and Wang Zhuo are not the same, the situation is different now, we broke up and divorced. I can't sleep anymore, I have to avoid suspicion."

Others present:? ? ?

Barrage:! ! !

Something doesn't seem right?

Song Yingshi had the biggest question mark on her head.

Teacher Huai was definitely deliberately teasing people in front of the camera, but she probably didn't even think that Miao Zi would say such a thing.

Song Ying, when the ears burst of heat, cleared his throat and said: "You are mistaken Miao teacher, said she was sleeping when we participate in the talent show the same dormitory."

Miao Zi suddenly realized, immediately apologized, waved, said no no Song Ying, the head Quietly stared at Huai Xu.

Huai Xuqing was cold and cold, and she greeted her gaze neither humble nor arrogant.

After looking at each other for three seconds, Huai Xu was the first to lose, stretched out her fingers to touch her nose, and turned her head slightly.

[Hahahahahaha Miao Zi I love you so much]

[It's looking at each other, they finally look at each other woohoo ]

[u1s1, isn't Huaixu intentional! Possessiveness is gone]

Fans are like this, with a little sweetness, they can taste the full banquet of Man Han, and under the brilliant editing of the program group, one can make up a 100,000-word love story by looking at each other. Remarriage is legal to go to bed.

It's a pity that the share of the program is divided equally among the three groups of guests, and then it is cut to the mother and daughter of Bei Shu.

After the three groups of guests checked into the dormitory, the program team issued the first task: prepare three meals.

Today's breakfast is not included here, only the following lunch and dinner are included. Ask them to work in teams of two, who are responsible for purchasing, cooking, and tidying up the kitchen.

Tony witch witch sophomore year, is a very strong-minded little girl, saw said: "I go out procurement, who together with me?"

Beishu:. "Brothers and sisters did not choose, you do not choose to"

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