Chapter 47

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A second later, in the eyes of the trainees, Song Yingshi and Huaixu quickly exchanged glances that only understood each other. Almost at the same time, they turned their heads and looked straight ahead, with business smiles.

It seemed that the appearance of Song Bao was just an illusion of everyone. The camera in front of the stage also returned to Ren Qian.

According to the process, Ren Qian cue took the mentor seat. The three tutors greeted the audience one after another, and cheered again.

Obviously Zheng Qiyi has done her styling carefully and looks polite, much more low-key and restrained than when she was recorded last time.

This is what his agent requires. The only requirement his agent requires of him is not to make troubles like last time. What other mentors do, he can just follow them.

At this moment he was sitting at the bottom of the stage, compared to the other two instructors, his position was the most biased, almost submerged in darkness.

I don't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that the camera didn't sweep his face at all. The muscles on Zheng Qiyi's face twitched a few times, and he managed to endure it despite the company's orders and the timing of the scene.

The atmosphere was very lively, no one paid attention to the corner where Zheng Qiyi was, all staring at the stage. Especially when Ren Qian asked Shi Shuyao to decide the first team to play, the voice of the audience grew louder.

Shi Shuyao took the microphone and was infected by the atmosphere of the scene. She had a bright face and smiled and said:

"The first team to play tonight, it must be burnt up, and the scene is hot. Can you say good?"

"Okay- -"

"Then let the dance group come first!"

Shi Shuyao patted the table and smiled at Duan Mi: "Which group do you want first?"

Duan Mi: "All the teams are fine, but I want to talk about the hot spot. , I can hear "surrender" and I can hear my whole body hot."

Ren Qian said loudly: "Then-please enter the "surrender" group trainees!"

Amidst the cheers, Shan Silan, Quan Yuanyuan, Song Yingshi, Lang Man, and Tan Qianyan stepped onto the stage.

They are firm at their feet, wearing dark costumes, like a thick night entering a gorgeous stage. They stood still on the stage, bowed together, and stood up to face the audience. Everyone could see the fighting spirit in their eyes.

When Song Ying, who was standing in the center, raised her head and glanced across the stage thinly, Jing Xuan was killed in a second:

"I have no choice but to spoil my mother!! Wife--wife-- " Shang Yan pulled her calmly, but the corners of her mouth were not calmly raised, looking at the direction on the stage, her eyes were very bright.

She can hold a Jing Xuan, can't hold so many embracing Song Huo CP fans and Wei Fans, and can't hold the audiences who are attracted by beauty.

There was a sound of "Song Yingshi" and "Xiao Shi" in her ears, and her scalp became numb. In the end, she was trapped by this force and could no longer calm down. She couldn't help but shout:

"Song Yingshi! Song Yingshi! Shi! Song Yingshi!" On the stage, everyone said in unison: "Hello everyone, we are the'most'."

Shan Si Lan Gao, who has not lost his horse in front of the audience, said coldly: "Hello, I am the favorite to shout The captain that everyone trained, Shan Silan."

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