Chapter 77

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Song Yingshi said this half-truth. Anyway, everyone already has an indescribable but firm understanding of the relationship between her and Huai Xu. As for Huai Xu...

If Song Yingshi was afraid that she would think too much, there would be no more temptations and provocations.

But, when Wan Jiao and Lu Xuewen were frantically looking at each other and the corners of their lips were going up, and when Song Ying was pretending not to do anything, she lowered her head to avoid Huai Xu's direct gaze, Kou Lengyu passed by with a plate, haha ​​laughed. :

"Why? Could it be possible that you will kiss..."

"Leng Yu, isn't your dance complete enough?"

Song Yingshi calmly and quickly interrupted her, her eyes under her thick eyebrows emitting a deterrent light.

Thinking about the results of the practice, Kou Lengyu closed her mouth with a guilty conscience:

"Then I'll go." As she walked towards her friend, she became confused.

Is there anything that can't be mentioned, dear?

Captain and Xiao Shi were unexpectedly shy in this regard.

The training time in the afternoon only lasted until four o'clock. The trainees wore sweat-soaked training uniforms and returned to the dormitory to clean up their appearance and prepare for the evening recording.

However, under the arrangement of the program team, after lunch, they also held an interactive game to guess the identity of the visiting guests.

The content of the game is that everyone sits around the living room and is grouped according to the three public teams. Each group sends people out to fight, and the winning group will get a reminder label about the guests.

The first group to successfully guess the guest will receive a mystery reward.

Song Yingshi was not interested in this, she leaned on the armrest of the sofa, smiled while chatting, and looked at Huaixu sitting on the sofa from top to bottom.

Look at the dense eyelashes first, then look at the high nose bridge, look away when you are about to see the lips, and repeat the cycle.

She didn't mean anything else, but her eyes seemed to go to Huaixu by herself.

And Huai Xu is talking with people in a casual manner. She is also chatting with the trainees now. Her voice is still clear, but it is more soft and softened by the collective atmosphere.

Song Yingshi knew the answer, and the competition was unfair to others. Huaixu naturally does not like to participate in such activities, and knows little about entertainment industry information.

On the contrary, Chen Wan was very interested in mini-games, and turned into a variety show artist, showing high performance again and again.

In addition, Li Taoran and Kou Lengyu, who do not like to use their brains but are full of communication skills, went to other groups to exchange information. The two acted separately and operated one-to-many. In the end, their group mastered the most tags and came up with a comprehensive answer:

"Yes. The guest of the movie "Soul Soul"! The starring role? The director? Won't the whole crew come!"

"Congratulations to the "Sleep" team for winning the competition and getting the reward!"

At the same time, the program team left a suspense for everyone:

"Who is the guest? , everyone will know at night."

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