Chapter 105

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Song Yingshi was stunned in place. Leaving aside the matter itself, what does it mean to try for her?

Song Yingshi took three steps and two steps, and threw herself on Huaixu through the quilt:

"Don't you call me for this kind of thing?"

Huaixu said with a calm expression: "I called, you can't get up."

Song Yingshi Thinking of myself last night, I felt guilty, and took the initiative to send out a friendly signal:

"Okay , let's not set an example."

"Well." The two reconciled, and Song Yingshi got up from her:

"Get up, breakfast will be delivered later."

" Okay."

Song Yingshi took two steps away, then turned back and asked in a sullen manner:

"You...really used three?"

Huai Xu calmly said:

"Do you really believe it?"


Huai Xu Ruoyou Looking at her thoughtfully, I found her flaws again:

"It seems that you haven't used it before, otherwise you wouldn't be able to ask such a question. Isn't this your daily necessities? Teacher Song." The last "Mr. Song" shouted in a particularly low and deep voice .

Song Yingshi rubbed the tips of her numb ears, and said calmly,

"Take it if you like, I can't use it with my skills." The doorbell rang.

Song Yingshi naturally turned around and walked out:

"Wash up quickly, and go out after eating." It was not until she left Huaixu's room that Ruzheng's eyes turned away from her back.

Song Yingshi lightened her body, hurried to open the door, and greeted the waiter pushing the breakfast cart.

She called for a simple breakfast, got in touch with Chen Ru during dinner, and gave her the room number.

Before Huai Xu had finished eating, Chen Ru arrived.

Chen Ru has short hair and is very capable. Her shrewdness is not reflected in her face. Her whole person looks very kind, and her smile is even more pleasant. She can only see a hint of elite temperament in her unhurried behavior.

Song Yingshi introduced Huai Xu and Chen Ru to each other. After a few words, Huai Xu put down her chopsticks:

"I'm done eating."

"Well, let's go."

Chen Ru drove off-road, and the group walked from the garage.

Huaixu, cap, sunglasses and mask, fully armed, followed Song Yingshi into the car. She took off the mask and looked at Zheng and Chen Ru to check the address and travel time of Song Yingshi.

Song Yingshi turned around with her phone in hand: "It will take us more than two hours to get there, you can sleep a little longer on the way."

Chen Ru said, "Miss Huai didn't sleep last night, did you?"

Song Yingshi coughed: "She is physically No, you should sleep more." Huaixu glanced at her lightly, Song Yingshi shrank her neck and looked at her phone as if nothing had happened.

Chen Ru said, "I'll drive the car more steadily."

When Chen Ru couldn't see under the car seat, Huai Xu kicked Song Yingshi's calf with her toes, and she should be punished.

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