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AFTER the attacking happened to firenalline academy HM send all the students to a very hard training.
Para hindi na maulit ang nangyari. Dahil hindi sa Lahat Ng oras ay may pag mag liligtas sa kanila.

Nang mangyari ang biglang pag lusob Ng darkians ay wala sa academy si Tanda dahil may pinuntahan itong importante kasama ang Ilang official Ng academy.

Ang naiwan lang ay ang mga professor at ang mga istudyante.
Pinagalitan den ni gray ang kapwa Niya mga royalties dahil kung kailan kailangan na kailangan sila ay wala sila.

But thunder say that they are in the middle of training, but they hurriedly come back here when they heard the news.

And gray being gray he didn't believe what they says until I told him that thunder is saying the truth.

At ang nangyaring pag lusob Ng mga damians sa Elemental kingdom ay hindi Naman malala, because Elemental kingdom is not easy to deal with,

Papa Dom and mama helliona made a strong barrier so the enemy can't enter their kingdom. And also papa Dom sent his strongest warriors to deal with the damians.
At halos kalahati sa mga damians na yun ay hindi na nakabalik sa darmian kingdom.
That the name of the darkians and damians kingdom, they combine it to make their kingdom Strong.

After the elemental kingdom recovered from the mess they invite all the students of the firenalline academy and other kingdom to celebrate the upcoming birthday of the only princess of Elemental kingdom tsk.

I'm pretty sure na nag didiwang na ngayon si fake dahil ipapakilala siya bilang anak Ng pinaka malakas na kaharian sa buong magic world tsk.

Kung inaakala Niya na papayagan ko na mangyari yun, nag kakamali siya. Dahil hinding hindi ko papayagan na pamunuhan at dungisan Niya ang kaharian ko!.

I know from the very beginning that I am the Lost princess of Elemental kingdom but I didn't introduce my self to my true parents b'cause I have something to finish before I do that.

I know my parents have been through so much when they lost me just to keep me safe from the enemies.
I know that my real parents are powerful but their power has a border, so even it's hurt to mama she sent me away to keep me safe.

When I first time saw her in our house in the mortal world I was just 8 year old at that time and my power is starting to show. She was talking to mommy helen at that time and I was in the living room reading some books,
And then I accidentally glanced at her and I caught her looking at me and then our eyes met.
And just a movie it starts to pop in my mind what happen to mama helliona.
Simula Ng mag kaisip ito hanggang sa mag dalaga ito at kung paano Niya nakilala si papa Dom, hanggang sa makasal sila at mag karoon Ng anak hanggang sa pinag buntis Niya ako, at yung mga araw na pinahirapan Niya si papa sa pag lilihi Niya saakin hanggang sa ipinanganak Niya ako at nong panahon na nawala ako sakanila para maging ligtas ako.

Alam na Alam ko ang nangyari kay mama Ng mawala ako sakanya, every day is a hell for them without me beside them. Ang mga araw na wala ako sa piling Nila ay palaging umiiyak si mama helliona at hindi nakakain Ng maayos there are time na nakakatulogan na Niya ang pag iyak.

At that time I can't understand what's that mean because I'm still so young but when I turned 9 daddy lion start to train me.
And after three years of training I can fully understand what I saw when I was 8, because it's happen to daddy lion, when I look at daddy's eyes I saw what life he experience nong hindi pa Niya naging asawa si mommy.

And also mommy when I accidentally look at mommy's eyes I saw what life she have when she was young, pati ang pag dadalaga nito ang mga kalokuhan Nila ni mama helliona.