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"Should I even?"

With a hand under his chin, the other works on the papers, one eyebrow up, long silvery-bluish hair tied back with a black ribbon, and a little frown on his beautiful godly face that could be said as androgynous.

Rimuru looks into space as he talked to his partner, Ciel who is inside him, while maintaining a [Parallel Thought] as he writes on his documents.


He snaps out of his reverie, forgetting he wasn't alone in his office and didn't think of putting up [Thought Acceleration].  He looks behind him and sees the culprit of the voice that called him. A deviously handsome man in butler suit, Diablo. His biggest fan among his subordinates. Diablo looks on questioningly at him.

"Ah nothing. I was just thinking stuff." Rimuru paused, considering of telling him his thoughts. "Well, actually, I'm thinking of going back to the past."

Diablo looks almost surprised before he smiled, understanding what Rimuru wants to do. When it comes to his beloved master, Diablo knows him the most as he has always been on Rimuru's side more than anyone else. He is proud of himself to say that he is the one Rimuru consults to with his problems sometimes. So he knows this time that Rimuru intends to go back to save the people that died, except he doesn't know to what extent will his master go. After all, time is precious yet troublesome if messed with.

Even if Rimuru is immune to the effects of time and space, it still is a big deal(headache) when one creates more than one timeline, erases, changes or anything that could mess with time. Knowing Rimuru who doesn't like having headaches but somehow still makes chaos, Diablo decides to listen further. As such the Chaos Creator continued.

"Of course I don't think it's a good idea to go back and change a lot of things. I'd feel bad if I were to 'trash' all our experiences and hardworks in exchange for an easy way to save the world. And I don't really want to make a parallel universe and have a parallel existence and complicate stuff that's already been solved." He paused and continued in a lower voice but still enough that Diablo's super hearing can still hear. "But I also want to save them. Maybe even ask Shizu-san if she wants to stay. So far, I think she's the only close person to me who died."

After the baffled thoughts of Rimuru poured, Ciel gave a suggestion.

<<Master, what if we go back in time but not integrate into your past self ?>>

>>That's the thing Ciel. I don't want to—<<

Rimuru stopped as his eyes widened in realization. And as if he hadn't enough support of the thought, Diablo offers his thought.

"Do you really need to replace your past self, Rimuru-sama?"

As usual, Rimuru wonders how much of a genius his butler is for coming up with the same idea as his or Ciel's sometimes. And finally, he rhetorically voiced out his long thought of this.

"Ah I just thought of the same thing! Seriously, how do you come up with the same idea whenever I think of such sometimes?"

"Kufufu...master, you flatter me. I simply—"

And there he goes again with his praises of me. I've gotten used to this that I just nod it off. Seriously, what did he see in me? I better stop him first so I could immediately do my plans.

"—of your majestic, enormously amazing wonderful greatness—"

"Ahh, Diablo, first I want you to keep our talk today as a secret, alright?"

He stopped and placed a gloved hand on his chest and bowed his head elegantly with a smile.

"Of course Rimuru-sama. But how would you like me to address this to others?"

"Oh that? No problem. A [Parallel Existence] can solve it. Although someone may notice my trail, but my destination isn't anywhere in this world, not even the current time. That means no one will notice if I simultaneously leave a [Parallel Existence] while also moving through time and space. Tho I do have to worry of those who can move through time, especially Chloe and Guy who might notice something. The dragon siblings too but I doubt they'll interfere aside from Veldora. But that's also fine. I have my escape problems already solved (by Ciel)."

And so, my plans can be executed, as if nothing will ever happen...aside from the sneezes of the people mentioned, and the little but almost completely unnoticeable tug of Veldora's Soul Corridor.


"Hm? ...did something happen?"

Veldora paused and tried so hard to focus on his surroundings and everything he could grasp with his senses.


Aight so that's prologue. Supposedly that was chapter one but after writing it only 792 words, I wasn't satisfied to call it a chapter(it didn't even reach 1300 words!).

I made it a rule for me to write around 2000-3000 words if it's a chapter. But I'd also like to put his travel in a different chapter, so I guess this is fine?

Edit: to rereaders, nothing changed here aside from a few grammatical mistakes.

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