Side Chapter: Yume

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"Eh? Why is everything so dark? I feel like my eyes are open but I can't see anything. Ciel could you activate my [Magic Sense]?"



<<Answer. [Great Sage] is currently in operation.>>



Rimuru wakes up to a dark surrounding, the ground is hard and feels like there are some plants. He tried asking for Ciel but instead got a response of a nostalgic mechanical voice from Ciel's predecessor, Great Sage.

Rimuru tries to touch something after feeling his hands' presence. Of course he has a human body. He looks just the same as when he was Mikami Satoru. But what excited him more was, he got hus 'son' back or still. Next he felt the ground, and the grass that felt very familiar in shape.

"Hipokute? Where exactly am I?"

He used those to try and make something to cover himself up. It was hard being that he couldn't see, but he managed to cover his lower part.

<<Answer. You were just recntly reborn after you died on Earth, gaining new skills and resistances. Would you like to hear them? YES/NO?>>

"EHH?! That can't be. Did I restart or something? W-well, Yes, let's hear it, C-Great Sage."

<<Answer. You have the Unique Skills: [Great Sage] and [Predator]. You also have... (just all resistances and stuff he got after reincarnation, and their explanation too). >>

"Those are the same things I've had before, but why do I feel different. Could it be...Great Sage, what's my race?"

<<Answer. Race: Human>>

"...I don't know what to feel about that. I do like being human sometimes but I still want my slime self. It's just because I got used to it, or found it extremely comfortable, or found it convenient in a lot of things, and feel more freedom from it, doesn't mean that's all the reason I still want to be a slime. A normal human won't understand that."

Rimuru shakes his head, trying to move on.

"Well, whatever. I've been a human for a long time and a lot of times when I was a slime, so what could go wrong?"



Rimuru stumbled one more time and face planted on a bed of hipokute. It wasn't long ago that he found himself naked but continued to venture out around the cave. He tried to eat the grass like he ate before but it didn't work. Other than it tastes too grassy, he also felt like he was a goat. It just feels so different. It was weird eating raw grass with a mouth that his stomach rumbled in protest. His [Predator] seemed almost useless with this body if it weren't for his mouth. After he took about two bites , he stopped eating.

He has his eyes open but the cave was to dark. He tried to regain his [Magic Sense] but it was harder than he thought. His slime self was able to do it because all his body parts are composed of multicells that could act as every organ compared to a human body, while his current human body has to focus and detect magicules a hundred fold more effort. And everytime he stumbled, he has to close his eyes just because they were sensitive and could easily catch dust and other particles. Even with [Pain Resistance], he still can't help the odd feeling of something in the eyes. Other than that, he was breathing less air due to how deep he was in the cave.

"Huh? AHH!!!"

He tripped on another stone, rolled downhill and fell in what felt like liquid with a splash. He felt his breathing got less and he tried to calm down when he realized...

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