Chapter 6: The Raid and Shizu

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"When someone is talking."

"When someone is thinking or talking telepathically."

<<When Ciel is talking from within Rimuru.>>

*When someone is whispering or just coughing.*

It's been a few days already since they returned to the village and everything is just as expected.

The dwarves have almost easily adapted to their new home and started to work. The goblins were following through what they need to do. Rigurd was out and about, giving orders efficiently. Rigur was leading the patrols. Past Rimuru was bouncing around wooden planks. All in all, everyone was doing their best in the village.

Meanwhile, the other Rimuru was heading towards Blumund.



Rimuru was riding on Anga while he is throwing some food for the wolf to catch. They did this while running towards their destination. Still invisible and probably will be for a lot of time.

"Let's do this with Ranga soon, Anga!" Rimuru happily exclaimed as he tossed another meat ahead, and Anga catching it.


Rimuru frowned as he thought of something. Anga kept running while being curious as to what made Rimuru stop tossing meat.

"Oh, come to think of it, I've become a dog person since I reincarnated, huh? I have a wolf as a pet, beetle as the strongest in the labyrinth aside from Veldora who is also a dragon, then there's his family that is a bee, and then there is Kumara who is a nine-tailed fox. Basically, the whole of Tempest is like a collection of monsters. Do you guys think I should have a cat and an actual dog as well?"

Anga seemed to pause before running again as scrunch his forehead thinking of his words. He smiled wryly at the thought of a cat. Never mind the dog, but a cat is something that sometimes dogs are repulsed of.

"Whatever the master wishes. If you one day bring one, I'll be sure to greet them very well."

Rimuru sweat-dropped as he could feel some of Anga's unspoken meaning, but he believes that the wolves will behave and at least would try to be friendly if he brought a cat or a family of the cat species someday.

<<Master, they are near.>>

"Anga, stop."

Anga slid down to a stop. Rimuru moved his perception to a group of four near where they stood in the forest. They were already far from Blumund and halfway to the goblin village.





As expected, the trio of idiots, together with Shizu are already running for their lives. He can't help but think again about how these three are still alive everytime they poke monsters' nests.

Rimuru directed Anga to run in their direction. Anga was quick to run, but also because of that they accidentally hit the monsters by his side as he skid to a stop.

"Anga, stop!"

The mushroom monster that was chasing them bounced off Anga's side and got blown somewhere, like the Team Rocket in Pikachu series.

"Eheh...I hope that was supposed to happen." Rimuru sweat-dropped as he faced the direction where the mushroom monster went flying, before he faced the trio who were panting on the ground.

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