Chapter 2: Demon Lords? (revised)

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"When someone is talking."

"When someone is thinking or talking telepathically."

<<When Ciel is talking from within Rimuru.>>

*When someone is whispering or just coughing.*

"...I'm such an idiot. I didn't even know when the Walpurgis was named."

To think it would come to this, Rimuru was a little nervous for being the one that 'named' Walpurgis.

"I thought I've ended this streak. It seems my naming tendency will never change. People might just start calling me the Lord of Naming. And I accidentally stole the original namer's spotlight! I had no plans in changing anything, that is why this isn't a parallel existence!"

"At least the credit went to the Western Holy Church. That group you approached earlier was apparently part of the now famous church. Hence, you really didn't destroy history."

Velgrynd just chuckled silently as she heard what Rimuru muttered. The both of them were now outside the house of the old man. They stood by a small alley with a door at the end, and a pile of trash near the entrance of the alley. They could already tell that the old man was poor. They decided to wait a bit and think of a way on how to approach the old man, trying not to be the reason of his death. Velgrynd may want his fragment of a soul but she still wants to care for it, even when the person is a different one.

Rimuru stopped murmuring when he heard a rustle behind him. There, at the entrance of the alleyway the both of them were in, was a young man with wide surprised and wary eyes. They stared at each other awkwardly for a minute before the guy slowly inched closer to a door beside Rimuru, without taking their eyes off each other, not even noticing the woman behind Rimuru who was staring at a door.

Step, step, step, stare~...step, step, step.

The guy stopped by a nearby door and slowly raised a hand to the knob and turned it.

"...Don't give up in life, buddy."

The stranger said and immediately he hurried inside his house, leaving Rimuru with his eyes ticking in annoyance. He totally forgot he was talking out loud even though Velgrynd was just a little further in front of him. And now someone just saw him talking to himself inside an alleyway, where he ran to after finding out that he named Walpurgis.

Rimuru sighed, no longer thinking too much of it. He faced Velgrynd's back after pasting a sack of flour above the door of that guy, to be triggered to tip down once the door is opened.

"Since when have I been this much of a prankster before?"

<<You are one of the labyrinth managers, master.>>

"Oh yeah, that. And once again, I told you to stop calling me "master", else just tell me it's your kink."

Rimuru blushed when Ciel giggled in confirmation. He shakes his head before Velgrynd-san notices his redness.

Velgrynd knocks on the door and not long after, the old guy from earlier opened it. They both stared at each other in wonder and Rimuru thought that maybe he should leave them both to their time. Besides, this isn't really the time to have long adventures yet. That will have to wait someday.

(A/N: maybe in book two if I don't lose motivation.)

"Umm...Velgrynd-san, I think I should go ahead. I think I still have many things to do. So, goodluck on your journey."

Velgrynd turned to him and blinked before she smiled gratefully, understanding his intentions.

"Of course. Thank you for escorting me for a little while. Have a great journey in your adventures too, Rimuru."

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