Chapter 4: To Dwargon (revised)

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"When someone is talking."

"When someone is thinking or talking telepathically."

<<When Ciel is talking from within Rimuru.>>

*When someone is whispering or just coughing.*


"Huh? Where am I? Did I just die by the hands of a slime?"

"Technically, slimes don't have hands. But I do have mini slimy hands when I want to."

The wolf who was given a freedom to have consciousness in a dark space mumbled to himself, and surprisingly heard someone answer him. The glowing orb gained a form and stood on a dark ground with his four legs, if there was a ground to begin with. He glanced at the direction of the voice and found the same slime sitting there.

"The slime. I'm dead, aren't I?"

"I have a name, and that is Rimuru. Rimuru Tempest. And yes, you are. You're standing inside my stomach, or rather, my imaginary space."

The wolf bowed his head, lamenting at his own failure as the alpha of his pack. He was arrogant and sure he would win at first, and now he realizes how narrow was his thinking then. He regretted not listening to the patrols, his wolves. After living for a long time, he realized he haven't matured much. He acted for himself, not his family, and now thinks they probably didn't see him as one from how he acted. Now he regretted his actions. His pack might be over because of him. He decided to swallow his pride and speak to the slime with head still down, and kneeled a leg.

"I'm sorry. I have been a fool, and now my pack might have faced the same fate. This may not be right of me to ask, even as not the victor, but...please, spare my family."

Rimuru internally smiled. He could feel the seriousness and heaviness of his words, and thought it right to respond. He transformed himself into his human form in front of him. The wolf looked up in shock and thought of him as a goddess. Rimuru slowly walked the rest of the way to him as he spoke.

"I'm glad to see your change of heart. Don't worry, nothing happened to your pack. Look."

A big screen appeared at the side, showing the outside world. It was morning outside and past Rimuru was already giving names, and that included the wolves.

They were spared, given shelter and partners, and even names. He was surprised of the naming, anyone would. Naming monsters is known as dangerous and yet there they are. He was a little worried, but his worries were proven wrong after the whole ordeal. He could even see his son grow stronger than him when he was still alive, and he was proud of him. He turned to the person accompanying him and bowed his head.

"Thank you, Rimuru-sama. Really, thank you. Now, I can rest in peace."

Rimuru widened his eyes in surprise. He expected this but at the same time not. But then he remembered he haven't shared his plans to the wolf.

"Ah it's nothing. Ranga is really an excellent wolf and now his part of the elites among my subordinates. But anyways, don't you want to stay or go back out there?"

The wolf looked at him, confused and titled his head. Rimuru thought it cute despite the scratch in his eye. Just like father, like son.

"But am I not dead? All souls always go back to the reincarnation cycle, be cleansed pure and be sent to have another life."

"Yes, you're right about that. Unless I will you out if I want to. I can bring you back to life. You may have a new body but still look the same. Unless of course, you don't to and just proceed to the cycle."

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