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Just in case anyone is confused with the timeline (I'm kind of jumping around a bit, so I am sorry). Here's where everyone is at the moment - Tessa just got sent to Natenheim by Loki, Steve and Tony are in the back parking lot of Stark Tower, Loki and Thor are on Asgard in Heimdall's dome, Heimdall and Phelan have been in Phelan's house the past three weeks, and Clio and Unknown are... well it'll explain itself. 

Enjoy :)

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Present Time

Steve's POV

"I GUESS HE HEARD HER," TONY muttered as he started to walk back to the doors. "You coming?"

I was still staring where the bridge disappeared but looked away after a few moments. I followed Tony into the tower and into the kitchen. I took a seat at the table and he went straight to the refrigerator, looking for food.

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes until Tony slammed the refrigerator door shut. I looked up at him in annoyance but he looked furious.

"I can't believe we just let her leave like that. For all we know she just went to Naten-wherever with a death wish, and we just stood there and waved goodbye like goddamn idiots-"

I sighed. "Tony, she's gonna be all right-"

"I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing. You heard how many people she said are after her. We didn't save her when Loki came after her, we barely saved her when Fury got ahold of her! We're seriously outnumbered! Even if Nat and Barton and Banner were to help - we're nothing compared to these people!"

"I'm sure we can come up with something, Tony-"

"I think the only thing left for us all to do is hide. We've killed Director Fury anyway, someone is bound to take over S.H.I.E.L.D. sooner or later and come looking for us. They might even get the police force on their side. Maybe I could buy a piece of land somewhere in Canada and we can all hide there, or Mexico..." He rambled.

I clapped a hand on his shoulder and shook him twice. "You need to calm down. I completely agree with getting out of New York, that's a great idea, but Tessa said she'll be back in a week so we have plenty of time to prepare for whatever we need to do after that, okay?"

He said nothing but nodded in defeat. "Okay."

To change the subject, I said, "Did you still plan on looking for that missing page out of the book they found?"

Tony shook his head. "What's the point? Her mother will probably tell her everything we need to know."

"That's true," I sighed.

Tony stood up to put his plate and utensils in the sink.

"If you really are serious about moving out of New York," I started, "what kind of living arrangements did you have in mind?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Well I figured Tessa would like the idea of designing her own mansion. We could even have Banner turn green to help build it, that way we won't draw any attention by having to hire some construction workers. Then once it's finished I'll let Tessa name it and pick which room she wants and everyone else will draw numbers out of a hat."

I stared at him. "Don't you think it would be kind of foolish for all of us to be together, in the same place? The mansion would become an immediate target, and it'd be pretty easy to blow it up with all of us in it."

"We could build an underground cellar, done." Tony argued. 

"Okay, then what's the point of building the mansion?" I shot back. 

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