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Tessa's POV

"-GOING ON?"  I DIDN'T even get to finish my sentence before I landed feet first on the ground. I felt my stomach lurch forward while thousands of pins pricked at my feet and my knees almost buckled from the impact. You'd think for the biggest, and supposed to be only, portal between worlds, the landing impact would be a bit more graceful. Blood started to rush to my head and my eyes went blurry for a few seconds.

After my eyes adjusted, I couldn't help but look around in uneasiness.

This didn't look like Natenheim. There were no inky clouds hovering above the tips of the usual snow covered trees. Instead, the sky was a clear blue and the trees were bare, rustling in the warm wind. I noticed that as well; the air was warm, not an icy slap to the face.

I also remembered that the BiFrost wasn't supposed to be directly connected to Natenheim. The last time I was here I was summoned, and Thor snuck his way in.

Before I could do anything else my body shimmered and my normal clothes were replaced with my dress and cape combo, along with my gold arm bands. My belt appeared with my knife sheathed to my side.

I quickly looked up to see the BiFrost vanish behind me but it was gone.

I pulled up my hood and reached for my knife and started walking swiftly up a hill to get a better view.

What the hell was that?!

One second Heimdall and I were having a normal conversation, then as soon as I called out to Thor he freaked out and sent me into the BiFrost before I could say anything.

Thor did look a little upset when I saw him, especially when he screamed my name and came flying towards me.

Maybe something happened between him and Jane. I haven't bothered talking to Jane since what happened in Greenwich because what is there to talk about?

But he wouldn't try to get to me as fast as possible to talk about his relationship issues.

No, something must've happened. Either on Asgard or he had something serious and important to tell me. But if it was so important, why wouldn't he come to Earth and tell me himself?

I don't know. If it really is that serious he will follow me here. Or not.

I don't care.

I'm coming here for many reasons. So many that I honestly doubt that my mother will help me. But she owes that to me. I've never asked anyone for anything, and all I want is to learn how to protect myself and my family and control this power inside of me, and maybe even gain some closure while I'm at it.

I know that I have to tell her about Layla, and my father, and Thanos all coming after me too, and I think that's just going to go great.

As I reached the top of the hill, I lightly gasped.

This was Natenheim. I recognized my mother's elegant, boxy castle, but now there were thousands of ivy vines growing around it. The lake wasn't frozen but actually turned into a waterfall, with a small river running through the now bustling village. I focused my eyes to look closer into the town and saw everyone looked clean and happy and healthy.


Good for them. I don't know how they survived with the weather like that, and for so long. Who knows if Edna's emotions ever changed long enough for them to grow some food, or bathe in some warm water, or have livestock.

I moved my gaze to the castle again and thought about its large front doors. I took a step, blinked, and I was suddenly face to face with Ase.

"Hello Princess."

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