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QOTC: what's your favorite holiday?

I don't really have a favorite but it'd probably be Christmas if the city I live in was more festive and freaking eNVIRONMENTALLY MOLDED AROUND THE FACT THAT CHRISTMAS IS A TIME FOR SNOW AND EVERY PERSON HERE WANTS SNOW


I haven't had a white Christmas in ten years I'm very upset

update: HOLY FUCKING SHIT I HAVENT UPDATED IN A YEAR :( I'm gonna write a long ass authors note though y'all my life has changed for the better so much I cannot explain it to you guys.

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Tessa's P.O.V

IT WAS TODAY WHEN I realized how bad of a note it was that I left Tony.

He's my uncle, and I completely disobeyed him. That shouldn't stop me though because of my age and everything but I feel so inclined to do everything everyone tells me to for the past few days because I feel like I might screw it up.

After I get back to Earth, I've decided I'm going to stay there and lay low. No more Mother Nature, no more Layla, and sure as hell no magic.

My whole life has been completely bent out of shape and I can barely even recognize myself anymore due to the guilt plastered across my face twenty-four seven.

I may as well have written the word guilty on my forehead and walked through Asgard like that.

"Hey, uh, Tessa," Clio greeted me. Thor and I were talking at my bed in the infirmary and we were getting ready to leave. "Do you think I could talk to you for a minute?"

I looked at Thor and told him to give me a minute, I'd be right back. Following Clio, I noticed her hands shaking slightly.

I didn't take note of it and kept following her until we got into an empty hallway.

"Clio, what's the matter?"

She spun around and fell to her knees, her eyes instantly watering. "Please take me with you! I can't stand to be here with my mother and brother anymore, they treat me like a slave! I'm as old as you, Tessa, and you're allowed to do whatever you want, just like I should be able to! I promise that if you take me with you, I won't be a burden... I-I'll just go and find myself a life and live somehow-"

I was shocked. I knew she didn't like it here but I didn't know that she hated it this badly. My mind instantly wanted to tell her to come live with me, that I'd be able to take care of her but then I realized it'd kind of be like having a kid.

Even though necessities wouldn't be a problem to get her, she wouldn't know what anything was. I don't really know her, and she might go off somewhere to explore and I'd have to file a police report if we couldn't find her first and...

I couldn't take the responsibility.

Also, I'm going back home to start fresh. Clio would be a constant reminder that all of this stuff is real and she'd just be there most likely creating even more problems for me!

Sure, I don't mind the every once in awhile villain that comes from outer space or just a human being gone rogue, that doesn't phase me because I wouldn't have anything to do with it.

I didn't have anything to do with Loki coming to Earth the first time and I made sure I stayed away. Mine and Pepper's flight was supposed to depart and land in Manhattan the day Loki showed up but we delayed it until we knew we were safe.

And we didn't have to worry about Tony because Tony is, well... Tony.

He had it handled and we didn't wanna get in his way, so we stayed in England and kept ourselves safe.

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