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QOTC: have you ever dyed your hair?

Yes, I just did a few weeks ago actually that's why I'd like to know if you guys have :) I bleached my hair so I went blonde. Yikes lol

Enjoy guys :)

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Loki's POV

"I WANT EVERY LOOPHOLE TO ASGARD CUT OFF. Close off every porthole and teleporter. No one leaves Asgard, and no one is coming in," I said to the soldiers obediently following behind me.

"Yes, sir," they said in unison before splitting off into different directions.

"Father," Thor approached me.

I shot him a look. "What do you want?"

He looked out of breath and disheveled. "I can't find Heimdall anywhere. There's someone else at the gate, but they told me he was relieved from his position... did you do that?"

"Yes," I said hardly.

Thor's eyes widened.


"He was useless; he has no worth to me anymore. Heimdall has one given order, and that is to protect Asgard. He's failed twice now. I was lenient the first time. I lost my queen and you lost your mother. I shouldn't have forgiven that. But Tessa Stark's mother showed up in the throne room, and came close to defeating me-"

Thor shook his head. "W-wait. Mother Nature or-"

I interrupted. "No. Layla Stark."

"I don't understand. She was dead... that's at least what Tessa thought." Thor wondered. "But, where is Heimdall? What did you do with him?"

I shrugged once again. "I told him to go home."

Thor's eyes squinted as he studied my face. Suddenly, he lunged forwards and my Odin-form shimmered away to reveal me.

"Loki!" Thor yelled.

He pushed me against a pillar and held a knife to my throat. I chuckled nervously, but he looked very upset.

"What is wrong with you?!" He screamed in my face. "You let Tessa believe you died?! You pretended to die for...WHAT exactly?!"

"I don't have to explain myself to you," I said calmly.

He pushed the knife harder. "You know what, Loki? Mother is gone. It seems that Father is gone, considering you've taken his place for the last week. Keeping you in the dungeons only causes more havoc. And Tessa thinks you're dead-"

"That's the point," I muttered, but Thor seemed to hear.

He gave me a horrific look. "Why?"

I rolled my eyes. "She wasn't good for me. She made me weak-"

Thor stopped me with his booming voice. "Those are lies and you know it!"

I shook my head. "No. When I think it through, that's exactly why I let her go."

"So you left the one good thing in your life because you don't want to admit you love her?" Thor pushed.

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