* real shit *

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Zamaya awoke in the bed next to a naked Jay . She peeped out the curtain, shit ! It's dark out . Zamaya peeped under the covers to discover that she was naked also ! She checked her phone, 8:30. She had 5 missed calls from Trinity. Jay sat up and planted a small kiss on Zamaya's forehead. " I gotta get home. ", whispered Zamaya. She reached for her clothes. Jay put his hand over hers. " Listen, I know this was all kinda fast and all but, honestly, I feel something for you. ". Zamaya looked up," You wanna know what I feel ?," she smirked," Sore.". Jay laughed and wrapped his arms around her. Zamaya removed his arms and began dressing.

Shortly after they both had gotten dressed, Jay took Zamaya home. The car ride was silent. Although, it wasn't the bad kind of silence. There was a sense of recognition of what had been done. He pulled into the driveway. Zamaya noticed that only her sister's beat up Toyota was the only cat there. Zamaya turned to Jay and tried to muster up the little bit of courage she had in her to look into his seductive brown eyes. Her glare had made it's way to his chest when he spoke. " I'll pick you up for school tomorrow. I don't like the thought of you being on the bus. ". Without even thinking about it, Zamaya blurted out," So what we just date now?". This time she managed to look him in the eyes searching as he gave his answer. He thought for a moment and said," That's the plan.", he leaned in so close that if Zamaya had lifted her chin their lips would've met," One condition, what happens between us stays between us.". Zamaya gave him a look of agreement, he probably doesn't want all his Junior friends knowing he slept with a Freshman. He unlocked the doors," Alright, baby. I'm finna head home." . Zamaya stepped out the car," Goodnight." . He winked at her and drove off.


"Where have you been ? Who was that boy ?", asked Trinity lighting a blunt. She shouldn't have been smoking but Zamaya chose not to bring it up, considering all that she had done that night. Zamaya put her bag on thr kitchen counter," I stayed after and got a ride from my friend. That's all.". Trinity glared at Zamaya with a grin. Zamaya looked around, avoiding further questioning," Where's mom and dad ?". Trinity sat to the island, careful not to get ashes on the shiny marble finishing their mother had gotten custom designed. " They text earlier and said they were going to be back a little late.", she exhaled a cloud of foul smelling smoke," Mommy must've had a job interview at a bank an hour or so away." Zamaya picked up her bag," I'm going upstairs.". Before any other words could be spoken she rushed to her room. She text Thalia : ' big news ... call me asap ' . Just as she had changed into sweatpants and a loose t-shirt Thalia called. " What happened between you two?", asked Thalia as soon as Zamaya put the phone to her ear. Zamaya took a deep breath," Too much. But let's just say I think he's mine. Don't ask why it's just an odd yet soothing feeling.". Thalia laughed a little," Girl, don't tell me y'all...". It remained quiet. " GIRL I KNOW YOU DID NOT ! ", screamed Thalia on the other end of the phone. Zamaya heard her parents pulling in the driveway. " Listen, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, goodnight.". Before Thalia could protest she hung up. She quickly slipped under her covers.

Shortly after she heard them pull in she heard her mother and Trinity coming up the steps. She heard them whispering. " Some boy dropped her off.", Trinity said the word 'boy' as if it were some horrid thing. " I'll handle it. Let's just keep this between us. Your father has been in his moods and the minute he hears about it he'll automatically blame it on me. I'll talk to her. Now you go to bed.". Zamaya listened to the sound of Trinity's clogs scrape the floor as she started off to her room. The door slowly creaked open. " 'Maya, are you awake ?" she heard her mom say. Zamaya's body stiffened, partially because she didn't want her mother to know she was awake but mostly because she was so sore. Her mother walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. She started sobbing. " Please, don't turn out like her." . Zamaya knew she was referring to Trinity. " I love you so. And I know me and your father have been going though tough times but he loves us all so much. It wasn't just hard for you to move but it was hard on me, too. I don't know what was going on with you tonight but,", She was cut off by her uncontrollable tears and sniffles. After a few minutes of crying she silently got up and left. Zamaya rolled over, letting what she had said sink in. Am I turning into Trinity ? Is this just the beginning ? How could that man love you so much yet hurt you so bad ?How was the move hard on her ? If anything it was her who wanted the picture perfect life so bad that she was willing to move the family across the county. All these things pondered her mind until her phone vibrated, she had gotten a text : ' Jay - Babygirl?? You get in the house alright? ' . Zamaya smiled to herself, maybe he was just the thing I needed to help get myself back to me.

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