* bus buddies *

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          (Bluey in the image)

               "You like?" asked Trinity, stepping away from Zamaya's head. Zamaya took her phone out her pocket and looked at her reflection. Her hair was styled in a high ponytail with the back section hanging low. Zamaya smiled, you get an 'E' for effort, " Thanks, Trinity."
Trinity grinned and walked over to the door,"I'll see you when I  get home from work, 'My." Zamaya opened her carefully packed jewelry box and put on her nameplate and gold ball studs. Just as she was putting the box back into it's hiding spot she recieved a text from her mother : ' GM babygirl if you want to eat and make it to the bus on time you better hurry ! ' . Zamaya rolled her eyes knowing the real reason why her mother wanted her out the house was because her father was about to blow up on her and she didn't want Zamaya seeing it. Instead of hurrying, Zamaya slowly did her makeup. Carefully making sure each eyelash had an even coating of black mascara,  precisely applying her eyeliner so that the corners were pointed at just the smallest angle, and making sure her peach lip stain was so natural looking, you would think her lips were actually that color. Sooner or later her mother came up the steps. " Zamaya ! C'mon, you have to eat so you can go. This isn't Cali where as though you can just walk to school." I know,thought Zamaya, it's the 'picture-perfect' suburbs of Mayson,Florida. Zamaya stood up with her small brown coach bag in hand, giving her mother a look of surrender. Her mother walked over to her. Zamaya met her mother's glare , her mother gently said," Today's going to be a good day. I want you to smile for me."


            It turns out her father was sleeping so it wasn't him about to lash out on her mother this time,surprisingly. "Are you suree you don't want me to walk you to your bus stop?" asked her mother one last pleading time. Zamaya shook her head as she walked out the door " I'm fine mom. Bye !" Zamaya walked past all the glamorous looking houses imagining what the familes inside them were like. For one, she knew that they were all far from perfect. Each person has their own sets of trials and tribulations, some are more open about it and others chose to hide it. Zamaya was a hider.
       At the bus stop there was only one other person besides Zamaya. It was a girl, with light brown skin and hair to match but her eyes were like wide,round blue jewels. Zamaya could tell they were real. When the girl noticed Zamaya approaching the corner she immediately smiled," Hey,neighbor." Zamaya waved shyly,"Hi." . The girl continued,"I'm Alexandria. You can call me that or Alex." Zamaya played with a strand of her hair nervously, " Im Zamaya." she laughed a little, " I really don't  have a nickname so,.." Alexandria stared at Zamaya with those big blue eyes and Zamaya almost drifted away into another world, daydreaming about the calm Californian seas. "Huh?" said Alexandria snapping her fingers slightly. Zamaya came back to reality, " Yes?". Alexandria smiled," I asked where you were from." Zamaya gave a small grin back,"I'm from Cali." Alexandria looked surprised," Well.."a sense of confusion washed over her face"what the hell are you doing here?" She laughed. Her smile was big and pearly. Zamaya couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Actually," said Zamaya through the laughter" my dad got a work transfer. It was better opportunity in my parents eyes so I didn't have a choice."
            The two got to know bits and pieces about each other until the bus came. From what Zamaya understood, Alexandria was very outgoing, a cheerleader, was a lesbian, had 2 siblings named Ernesto & Leah, lived with her father,and birthday was October 19. "Don't be afraid of any of the kids on the bus. They all talk,girl. Matter of fact," she smacked her lips," you can sit in the back with me, my girlfriend, and our other friend Bluey." Zamaya kind of smirked at the name, it sounded goofy. Was she as goofy as she sounds? The bus came to a slow halt at the corner. Zamaya heard the sounds of yelling and cursing escaping the narrowly cracked windows. The doors opened and the smell of smell of hormones and desperation smacked her in the face.

"Damnnnn, shorty got the fat ass !"

"Alex, don't turn her gay please."

"You can come sit with me lil ma."

"Come to daddy..."

          Zamaya ignored the many comments she heard as she made the journey to the back of the bus that seemed like forever. Finally, they had made it. The kids in the back looked older and were all too occupied with their phones to notice Zamaya. Alex led Zamaya to a girl with almost a buz cut and had a lip piercing. Zamaya could tell by the way she slouched and how her pants were sagged that she was gay.
"Baby, this is Zamaya. She's new here. All the way from Cali." The girl looked up at Zamaya. She had another few piercings in her ears. " Wassup? I'm Lee.". Zamaya gave a casual head nod and tried to keep from lookong like a lost puppy. Alex pointed to a girl sitting horizontal from Lee. " That's Bluey." . Zamaya examined Bluey but couldn't tell of it was a boy or girl. The  long thick hair and a feminine like face was contradicted by the masculine attire, boyish posture, even the way she held her jaw was boyish. Alexandria tapped Bluey," Ayo, girl! Wake up hoeee!". So it was a girl, thought Zamaya. Bluey looked up at them and smiled,"Hey. Who's ya' friend ?". Bluey's eyes  scanned Zamaya. She didn't know to feel flattered or disgusted. " I'm Zamaya.", to her surprise Zamaya let the words escape from her lips. The bus started moving with a jolt. Zamaya tried to stay standing but Alex bumped into her and knocked her onto Bluey's lap. Meanwhile, Alex fell next to Lee. Zamaya scrambled to get herself off of Bluey. Her smell was intoxicating. Bluey laughed at the sight of Zamaya so embarassed. "What's so funny?" jokingly snapped Zamaya. Bluey fixed a steady stare on her,"Nothing,ma. Calm down. But where you from?" Zamaya explained why she moved from California to Mayson. Bluey bit her bottom lip,"Damn, sounds type hard." Alex streached into their seat,"Don't start kissing or nothing." Her and Bluey exploded with laughter. Lee whispered something in Alex's ear which made Alex snuggle up with her. Bluey looked over at Zamaya and stuck her tongue out pretending to choke. They laughed a little. "Are the classes hard to find?" asked Zamaya. Bluey shook her head ,"nah", as she took ber phone out to check her hair. Zamaya noticed she cut the sides of her hair and had gotten an edge up. She noticed Zamaya looking,"If you want I  could help you to your classes,ma. You lookin' awfully nervous over there. Just relax,shorty." Zamaya looked down at her shoes and smiled,"Alright."she fixed a stray piece of hair that kept falling out of place.

     The rest of the ride was quiet, with Zamaya meeting Bluey's stare every now and then. Zamaya couldn't help but grin to herself.

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