Chapter one ~ where it all started

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TW mention of body dysmorphia, anxiety

Lauren woke up to the sun shining through her curtains in her condo in central London. The smell of lavender and rose from her diffuser swarmed the room and hugged Lauren as she groggily woke up. It was 6 am, a normal wake up time for her as a busy law apprentice. It was a Saturday , meaning it was the weekend of freedom. Lauren worked 4 days a week at her law firm Sparrow and Smith corporate law firm, it was one of the most prestigious law firms in London. It was known for creating some of the most successful barristers and solicitors. Lauren loved law just as much as she loved coffee ( which is a lot ), however she couldn't help but feel this yearn to learn psychology. She had always wanted to be a criminal profiler but, knew she'd need a masters minimum to even do the job and she didn't have the time nor money to do it and decided to stick with law as it was her top choice from the beginning. The one other day in the week, Lauren attends UCL to study law to get her degree, which is payed for by the law firm.  She loves studying law as there is so much knowledge to acquire and yet it made so much sense to her.

Lauren wasn't natural smart like most law students, she resat her first year of sixthform as she wasn't trying hard enough and would've failed otherwise. She decided to move sixth forms and found her new sixth form a much better fit for her. She realised this was her last chance and kept her head down and tried to study. She was the type of girl who could succeed at anything if she kept her head down and pushed herself. She struggled the first two terms as she had forgotten how hard it is ti commit to sixthform, but after the first Christmas term she knuckled down and tried her hardest at her a levels. She did law, business and psychology which were perfect for her; they were very hard subjects but they all interested Lauren as well as challenged her which she enjoyed.

After working 5 days a week, Lauren had the weekends free to study or read through cases and pick out any key evidence that might help her mentor. However, Lauren enjoyed having her weekends for herself and tend to stay up late in the week to finish the work so she'd have the weekend to herself to either go into the city and read or study. But her favourite thing to do was go out with her roommate and best friend Lucy Davis. Lucy was a bubbly character who always was optimistic and a loving person, she'd always see the best in people and always wanted to help where she could. Lucy studied psychology at UCL ,which Lauren was a little jealous of but loved and supported her, and was just as successful at a levels as Lauren. She too was incredibly smart but liked to party a lot and stay out and often struggled to keep up with certain assignments in which Lauren would do for her in her free time.

Lucy and Lauren couldn't look more different as much as there personalities were. Lauren had long dark brown hair which was naturally curly but Lauren straightened or curled but more of a classical curl rather than her natural ringlet curls. She had blue and green eyes which blended together perfectly, her eyelashes long and dark. She was small being only 5ft2 but she made up for her lack of height with sarcasm and fierceness. Lauren had a muscular build but not too much. You could tell she cared about her body, working out 3 times a week. She had defined abs and stunning legs even though she was short. Her personality was very much feisty and sassy, but she could have fun and laugh and let loose once in a while, but always found that Lucy brought that out in her.

Lucy in the other hand was taller than Lauren, being 5ft5. She had very long blonde hair which came down to her lower back. It was naturally straight which lauren envied as she could wake up looking perfect where as lauren looked like a lion. She had blue and gray eyes that sparkles just as bright as her personality. Lucy too have a very muscular build but always envied Lauren's natural curves. Lucy was a very bright person who never let anything get her down or keep her down.

After waking up slowly, Lauren stretched out her arms and made an iced latte, she couldn't go a day without caffeine. Whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, she took a drag in her vape and let the smoke fill her lungs and let the nicotine spread across her body. Lauren knew it was bad for her however she didn't care as it made her feel relaxed even for the small moments and that's all that mattered to her. It was her dirty little secret from her family as she'd know they'd disapprove of the bad habit but, Lauren always felt like her family believed she'd never amount to anything and thought nothing could make her more of a disappointment than she already is.  Lauren came from a semi strict family. She group up with only her mum as her dad left however her mum was a very busy and work driven woman which Lauren admired. Lauren was a very independent woman who didn't like the idea of a man ruling her life or decisions. She was work driven and always had goals she wanted to achieve and would do anything and everything to achieve them.  Despite her mother always working they were very close and Lauren very much regarded her as her best friend.

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