The Black Sheep

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I've never been the type to feel sorry for myself or the life that I was given

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I've never been the type to feel sorry for myself or the life that I was given. I didn't get to choose the family I was born into, nor the circumstances that I am in. I didn't get to choose my name nor the school I went to, not that any of that mattered. But, I do know that I have the choice on how I want to live my life moving forward. I can not change my past, but I can alter my future. Everything that I do now in the present, can affect my life in the future.

So why do I know all of this but, I am obsessively pestering about my past. Why can't I just accept the life I was given? Why can't I just move on and learn from my past, instead of dwelling on it?

A lot has happened to me and I will one by one reveal what has happened in said past. But, for me to do this I need to start from the very beginning. I need to go back to the day I casted my first breath into this world because that is when all my troubles began. That is the beginning and the root of all my problems to this day. That is where the seed of problems was planted and now the tree is big enough to cast a shadow on my form.


Clarissa Snow POV

"Mrs. Snow, your results came back and it looks like you're pregnant. Congratulations!", said the doctor.

"But, I can't be pregnant, it is impossible for me to even conceive a child. Are you 100% sure about this?" , asked a dumfounded Clarissa.

"Yes, I am sure"

She couldn't process this new information properly because it seemed so surreal. She was happy of course because she has always wanted a baby of her own flesh and blood. She also wanted a baby to be a proof of her and her husband's love. She always wanted to start a family with him, but was never graciously granted that privilege. But, now she can have the family she has always dreamed about. She can finally feel at peace and whole in life. She can now open a new chapter in her life, motherhood.

There was a reason why she was shocked to hear that she was with child. It is because she was diagnosed with endometriosis. Basically, she and her husband Johnathon had tried multiple times for her to conceive and was unsuccessful due to this complication. There is an abnormal cell growth that blocked her ovaries from releasing. But, somehow there was something different this time.

"You know that because of your medical condition, your pregnancy is at high risk, right?"

"Yes, I am well aware and versed with my situation. But, I will not let this hinder me from having the happiness that my husband and I always deserved. We are good people, we deserve to finally have the family we've dreamed about. This will be a new beginning for the both of us and I can not wait to tell my husband the good news.", said Clarissa excitedly to the doctor.

"Well alright. Once you are well aware of the possibilities and the risks, you will need to set an appointment with your OBGYN moving forward. From there, she will let you know the things you should and shouldn't do, and the things you should and shouldn't consume; during your pregnancy. This is to ensure that you have a healthy and full-term pregnancy. Also, to reduce and/or avoid any complications that may arise, with in consideration to your condition. Do you understand?". asked the doctor hesitantly.

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