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Just before dawn, Meng Xiyue, who has always been on time with her biological clock, opened her eyes. After blinking twice, her still misty eyes immediately became clear. She moved out of bed neatly. As usual, she put her left foot on first and then her right foot. , Start to wash.

    Looking at the familiar face in the mirror, Meng Xiyue's cold expression felt like a moment of Zhengsong.

    She should be dead.

    But for a moment, Meng Xiyue had a bunch of information in her head.

    She is now in the world in a book, in a book titled "Deep Sadomasochism: Little Jiao Wife Running with a Ball". In the book, she has no role. The only role is in the finale with her ex-boyfriend, the male number three. When they met in a foreign country, the two smiled at each other.

    Leave unlimited reveries for readers.

    Although it is in a book, the world background is no different from the world Meng Xiyue lives in. She has only a few words in the book, and her identity is now complemented. It is no different from her in this world, except that her company's industry has shrunk somewhat.

    Meng Xiyue had nothing to be dissatisfied with, she just lived in another place.

    After thinking about it for a moment, she washed quickly, put on a set of sportswear, and continued her morning exercise day after day.

    The aunt who was cooking downstairs was surprised to see Meng Xiyue wake up so early. The employer hadn't gone downstairs for several days. I heard that she was broken in love.

    Except for her face a little pale, she looked pretty good. Thinking of this, her subordinates moved faster.

    Meng Xiyue ran a lap and then stopped, panting lightly, and at the same time strengthened her determination to strengthen her body.

    Walking slowly outside for a while, and at the same time sorting out all the memories of this body, he returned to the villa.

    This body was killed in a traffic accident with her parents a month ago. There are no messy relatives at home. All the property left by her parents is left to her, including a company.

    Yuanshen is like catching a duck on the shelves. She has no interest in managing the company, but the company is the hard work of her parents, forcing herself to learn how to deal with company affairs every day.

    Even so, there are indeed a lot of problems left by the company. The executives have made things difficult for her. She is uncomfortable in her original body and gradually becomes irritable. In addition, her parents have just passed away and her heart is sensitive and fragile.

    At this time, her boyfriend had no time to accompany her because she was also busy with work. The two began to quarrel and finally broke up.

    When Meng Xiyue came to this time, she happened to be the original body because they couldn't accept the people she cared about and left her and chose to commit suicide by swallowing sleeping pills.

    In the original plot, the original body was rescued, and finally went out of the country disheartened.

    I don't know why, but the original body really died this time.

    Back at the villa, the aunt had already made breakfast. Meng Xiyue drank the soft glutinous porridge, and the warmth flowed down the esophagus into the stomach. Meng Xiyue's deserted face became a little softer.

    After dinner, her assistant was already waiting for her outside.

    Seeing the woman who came out, Assistant Li flashed surprise in his eyes. To be honest, when he received Meng Xiyue's call, he was really surprised. After all, the company, including him, thought Meng Xiyue was not in charge of the company. The other party didn't go to the company for several days, thinking that Meng Xiyue was about to give up, but he didn't expect that the other party would call him today and ask him for a lot of information.

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