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There were a total of ten people who came to Tianyu to participate in the general meeting of shareholders. Just when Li Ting was full of satisfaction, seven people agreed.

    In other words, his position as CEO will be removed.

    What a joke.

    Li Ting glanced over the seven people who voted, with a pair of eagle eyes gloomy. He stood up and knocked on the table: "I think you don't know, I have already gotten preliminary cooperation with the foreign Nicholas company, the day after tomorrow. Meet, everyone, what's your decision?"

    Nicholas Company, a big-name company in Country K.

    The people underneath handed over for a while, and three of them temporarily changed their resolutions. Li Ting snorted and scanned the five people who were still insisting on opposing them, and their eyes fell on Meng Xiyue.

    Ever since he met the woman Meng Xiyue, everything went wrong, and he hummed, "It's five to six, do you still insist?"

    Don't forget, he is also one of the shareholders.

    Li Yuan, Zhang Tai, and Wang Tao's faces were so unwilling, they finally pulled Li Ting off the horse, but they didn't expect the other party to come back against the wind.

    If Tianyu really gets up, he still doesn't know how Li Ting will deal with them then.

    They really have had enough of bereaved dogs.

    At this time, I only expected someone to slap Li Ting in the face fiercely.

    Meng Xiyue lifted her eyes, her eyes indifferent, even though she was sitting and the other side was standing, she was at a disadvantage in terms of angle, but in terms of momentum, she suppressed the other side: "President Li, are you sure that Nicholas Company is sure to cooperate with you?"

    Li Li Ting proudly said: "Yes, only work with me."

    Meng Xiyue stood up and looked at Li Ting, her eyes sharp, she only looked away, and looked at all the shareholders present: "Nicholas has a major crisis. There is a lot of inferior goods on hand and eager to get rid of it."

    "Cooperation at this time is no less than Tianyu's direct bankruptcy, and even greater debt." As

    soon as this word came out, it became lively.

    The three of Li Yuan felt that a burst of light came in, and their gazes at Meng Xiyue became even more scorching.

    Li Yuan seized this opportunity even more and made an attack: "President Li, as a shareholder of Tianyu, we need a reasonable explanation."

    Li Ting's face was gloomy, and his eyes looked bad at Meng Xiyue: "What do you have? Evidence?"

    As the male lead, Li Ting naturally has his aura, and even Li Yuan, who just clamored, did not dare to look at Li Ting.

    Meng Xiyue’s eyes were flat, Gu Jing Wubo, standing there, looking at him as if looking at an ordinary life form, "NS and Christopher Company have cooperation."

    "At the latest five days, the crisis of Nicholas Company. Naturally it will be announced." One

    sentence covers everything.

    The originally hesitant shareholders immediately believed that NS has risen quickly, coupled with the cooperation with Christopher Company, as we all know, on this occasion, the other party will definitely not aimlessly.

    Seeing that the shareholders began to sway again, they objected, Li Ting clenched his fists tightly, his blue veins burst, his eyes flushed with anger, and gritted his teeth: "Meng Xiyue."

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