The secret

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I stepped back into the classroom. 10 minutes later a messy haired, panting yumeko ran in. "Sorry ma'am I slept in!" She said still gasping for air. "I see, don't let it happen again ms. Jabami." The teacher said giving her a somewhat sympathetic look. Yumeko nodded  and sat in her seat, I looked back at her giving her a concerned look which she ignored and just smiled and waved.

After class I walked up to Yumeko. "Let's go have lunch." I said in a some what demanding way, Usually I would be so pushy but I didn't see her eat yesterday and I have no guarantee she ate at home. She stood up from her desk and grabbed her things. "Sure!" She said with a smile plastered on her face, she then grabbed my arm and pulled me in the direction to the cafeteria. I smiled as a little blush spread across my face. After a little walking, we both sat down with our lunches, in the distance I saw Mary and Itsuki walking our way. They had been busy yesterday therefor didn't have lunch with us, I belive it had something to do with Kaede. I was seated next to Yumeko, Mary and Itsuki sat in front of me and Yumeko. "Hi guys!" Itsuki greeted, Mary just rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Hi." Yumeko responded. She didn't even make an attempt to hug Mary instead she just continued to pick at her lunch. I sighed and greeted the duo. We talked about random things and by the middle of our lunch Mary looked at Yumeko and asked "Are you going to eat or what?" Yumeko looked up and smiled "I ate to much for breakfast!" Mary clearly wasn't fooled by the raven haired girl. "What did you eat?" I added to put more pressure on Yumeko. The three of us were starting at her now. "I-" She froze unable to think of a lie under such pressure. "I'm just not hungry. okay?" She said dropping her smile. "Yumeko, if you don't eat you'll get sick." Itsuki said. "I didn't see you eat yesterday either." I added. Yumeko stood up slaming her hands down on the table, even Mary jumped."I'm going to use the bathroom." She sped past the table to the bathroom. I sighed, "how long has she been like this Ryota? Do you know why?" Itsuki asked. I told them about yesterday and everything I knew about the situation. "Let's go see Kirari." Mary stated as she grabbed her things, Itsuki did the same. "What the hell is Kirari going to do?" I asked in frustration. "She has documents about Yumeko. Documents with her address and family information." Mary said still packing her things. I sighed and packed as well.

All three of us were now seated in the student council room drinking tea with Kirari seated in front of us. "So, what brings you three here?" She asked taking a sip of her tea. "Yumeko, we need her address and documents." Mary demanded. Itsuki pinched her and gave her a stern look "ask nicely!" Itsuki whispered to her. Kirari laughed, "And why should I give out such valuable information to you three?" I got frustrated " She hasn't eaten in two whole days, hasn't been gambling, has been coming in late and states there something "tiring" at home." I basically yelled it at her. Kirari sighed, "If I give you three the documents, nobody is going to find out, right?" "Nobody" all of us said in sinc. Kirari stood up and walked over to the folders. "I can give you the address but I don't have access to all the documents right now" she said handing us a folder with about six papers inside. I grabbed it "Thank you Kirari this is all the information we need!" I bowed lightly in gratitude. Mary grabbed kirari by the arm "why did you give us the documents? It's not like you care about Yumeko." Kirari giggled softly. "Belive it or not, I do indeed care for Yumeko. She's my cousin, after all." Itsuki was awed that Kirari cared about her cousin. Mary let go of her arm and we left.

after-school (Ryota Suzui × Yumeko Jabami)Where stories live. Discover now