chapter 5

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Yumeko was sitting up on the bed in a long black hoodie I had packed for her. Itsuki and Mary were laying on the bed across from Yumeko (Itsuki and Mary are friends not a ship)
"I accidently woke her up while changing her." Itsuki giggled nervously. I walked over to Yumeko and sat next to her, leaveing some personal space to not make her uncomfortable. "A-Are you feeling b-better...?" I asked nervously, she had a peach colored a blanket covering her lower body from exposure. "Yes, thank you." She said in a low and soft voice. "Hey Itsuki, Mary." They both looked over at me with questioning faces. "Did you guys call your parents?" "Yeah, my dad doesn't have a problem with me staying for a few days." Itsuki said looking up from her phone. "My parents are going to be out of town for about a week so they won't know." Mary said in a tired voice. "All three of us are in our school uniforms, let's go to a local store and buy something to sleep in" I said standing up from the bed. Mary and Itsuki stood up as well, I asked Yumeko if she wanted to come along but she decided to stay in the hotel room. As we walked through the empty streets, I turned to both the girls and said "It's obvious that this is a big change for Yumeko, she seems quite uncomfortable... do you girls know something that might make her feel more at ease?" Yumeko hadn't smiled since we found her... she also barely spoke a word to any of us, can I judge her? No, she's been going through all this for so long and hadn't said a word to anyone. "Well, when I'm not in the best mood Kaede gives me sweets and cuddles with me. Of course Yumeko and I are completely different but I feel that would cheer any girl up." I went bright red, cuddling and shareing sweets with Yumeko seemed like a very distant dream. I can't even tell her that I love her. "I agree, seems like a good time." Mary stated. "I-i don't think I can-." "Don't be such a wimp, it's clear she likes you." I didn't respond, just kept walking. We were almost at the store now, while walking I looked around and saw about two five other people in total. It was obvious this wasn't a popular place here in Japan, more like a small town.

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