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"hi" talking
'hi' sign langug
'hi' thinking
"hi" AM talking
'hi' AM thinking

Dabis Pov

we were getting chased. chased by five heros we could easily take them out but Yan-kun and Yan-chan thought that would be boring so here we are getting chased by All Thot , Endevwhore, Midnight, Eraserhead and Best asshole " DO YOU KNOW WHY WE ARE IN THIS SITUATION?!" i yelled at Izuku and himiko they both nodded " because me and Yan-kun thought it would be boring if we just beat the heros up and we needed blood?" himiko said as she and izu were throwing knifes at the heros "YES BUT YOU DID NOT NEED BLOOD YOU WANTED IT!" i yelled Himiko and Izu are twins so they both have the same obbsesion with blood and Knifes izu does not talk much only when hes with people he is compterble with like me himiko, their father and mother, shiggy, twice, and compress. thats when i heard Izu growl when he growls it is terrifing i shudderd so did yan-chan izu has a high sense of smell, hearing, and sight because of his father being part fox and his mother being part cat so he has the looks of a fox with the fox ears and tail and himiko has the looks of a cat with cat ears and cat tail. " I AM HERE TO PUT YOU IN JAIL" i heard All thot say oh boy izu hated All thot because he over heard him tell someone that they could not be a hero without a quirk so ever since then he hated All thot " grrrr " izu was growling as his hair turned white and his eyes purple he was about to jump at him when some pink mist came and knocked me and himiko out.

Izukus Pov

After Himiko and Dabi were knocked out i grabbed them before they could hit the ground then i growled at All thot as my hair was white and my eyes were purple and my face darkend and my eyes narrowed then i glared at him 

After Himiko and Dabi were knocked out i grabbed them before they could hit the ground then i growled at All thot as my hair was white and my eyes were purple and my face darkend and my eyes narrowed then i glared at him 

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and i was knocked out standing up as my eyes and my hair turned to its origanal color.

Midnights pov

After the kid glared at All Might he passed out we thought he was going to hit the ground but he just stood there standing up " THIS KID HAS AMAZING WILL POWER" All Might said " are we not going to talk about why those two kids only threw Knifes at Endevore?" i asked they all looked at Endevore only to see like a 20 knifes on his body "hmm i guess one of them hates Endevore" All might said " yeah enough to try to kill him with 20 knifes" Eraserheard said " well i guess we should take him to a hospital?" i said well more like asked since not many of us like Endevore because of how much he wants to be No.1 and he does anything to get that spot including being rude to others. " yeah i guess" Eraser said then we went to the hospital.

Izukus Pov

i woke up in a strange grey room in a chair with a table infront of me then i rememberd dabi and himiko i looked around then i saw them i let out a sigh in relife then i got up grabbed himiko and dabi and took them to a corner then sat down with both on my lap. after a few minutes i heard a door open and i tensed and gripped onto himi and dabi i looked to the door to see a uhh mouse?, bear? dog? thing in a suit with a scar on his eye. he looked around till he spotted me and smiled then he walked over to me i tensed up and looked at him he sat down and started talking " hello my name is Nezu" he said i looked at him still not trusting him " so how are you?" he asked i still just looked at him he frowned a little i felt dabi stir i looked down to see his eyes meet my Black with a red slit in it " izu where are we?" he asked groggily i tapped his shoulder in morce code ' we are in a interragation room with a guy named Nezu. don't know what species he is though' i said in morce code he nodded then looked at him " hi uh Nezu " he said " hello what are your names?" dabi looked at me as if to ask if he sould tell him i nodded " my name is dabi his name is Yan-kun and her name is Yan-chan" he said as he grinned i glared at him only to make him grinned wider i rolled my eyes then looked at himi to see she was awake " where are we?" she asked " we are in an iterragation room with a person? named Nezu" dabi said as i nodded " oh ok" " so we got caught? thats a first" himi said.

"ok you three we have some papers with some questions you can say yes or no or correct to but first we have a question that we really want to know" nezu said himiko and dabi nodded while i just looked at him " ok so why did you thrown knifes only at Endeve-"  himiko cut in " Endevwhore mister Nezu Endevwhore" himiko said " oh, well why did you throw knifes at Endevwhore?" he said as he chuckled we smirked well i did as to not scare the guy?, off while himi and dabi grinned. " well dabi does not like him so me and Yan-kun threw knifes at him" himiko said " oh okay" " so can you all sit next to eachother so i can see you properly?" he asked i narrowed my eyes as my grip on them got a little tighter but not to much as to hurt them " ah mister Nezu?" himi said "yes?" "can you tell us your quirk because Yan-kun will not let us go if you don't" she said Nezu looked at me and nodded " my quirk is called high specs where my IQ is very high so i can't hurt you" then i looked over him " and what about the guy over there" i said 
he looked at me supprise " oh that man is Naomasa Tsukauchi his quirk is called lie detector where he can tell if you are lieing or not" i nodded and relaxed a litte but kept my guard up just in case something happens " so here are the papers i will read them and you can say correct to them if they are right ok?" Nasomasa said we nodded and waited for him to continue " okay whos first?" he asked, me and himi pointed at eachother " okay dabi is first" he said me and himi shrugged while dabi whined

Name: Unkown

Alas: Dabi

Quirk: Creamation, blue flames that are hotter then reagular flames.

Age: 17

Family: Unkown

Kill count: 476

Looks: Black Hair, Light blue eyes, Burn scars on chin, neck, ears, arms, under eyes on legs and are held together by staples, Black jacket with high coller that goes all the way down to feet, white V-neck shirt, light grey belt, dark grey pants, dark black boots.

likes: Chicken nuggets

" correct?" dabi nodded " yeah correct" he said " next " Naosmasa said

Name: Himiko Midoriya

Alas: Yan-Chan, Henna, a cypher twin           " y-your h-henna!?" "hehe yep"

Quirk: Transform, if user drinks a certain amount of blood can become the person and if drinks alot can use their quirk, Dream Demon where they can do anything if they snap but the drawbacks are if they use it to much they become more insane then when you see them.

Age: 17

Family: Izuku Midoriya, Twin brother older by 5 minutes

Kill count: 541

Looks: long Black hair in two buns at top of head, red eyes with black slit in it, sharp Fangs, wears a school girl clothes, shirt is tan long sleeve with red tie and navy blue thing around neck, navy blue skirt.

likes: Blood, Dresses or skirts   

"c-correct?" he asked " yep!" himiko said " next!" nezu said

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Alas: Yan-kun, Artems, a Cypher twin   'fear'

Quirk: Blood Manipulation, lets user able to control blood and matipulate it into staying a liqud or turning into a solid, Dream Demon where they can do anything if they snap but drawbacks are if they use it to much they become more insane then when you see them.

Age: 17

Family: Himiko Midoriya, Twin sister younger by 5 minutes

Kill count: 834

Looks: short white hair that goes into black at the back of the neck and is slicked back, black eyes with red slit in it, really sharp Fangs, wears a black, green, dark red, or white mask that goes from nose to neck, wears a red dress shirt with long sleeves, black vest, black tie, dark grey dress pants, black gloves, black high top shoes, and a black and red cape with high coller.

likes: Blood, pain onto others or self, suits, knifes, anything with a sharp edge on it.

"c-correct?" i nodded "okay you three since we are done with introductions i would like to ask two last questions"  we nodded " okay... would you rather go to jail where we would have to separate you?" " or would you like to go to UA where you can have the same dorm room with three bedrooms and three bathrooms, also a kitchen?"    *sigh*  " we would like to go to UA please mister Nezu" himiko said " great!" " we will leave right now!" then we stood up and left to Naomasas car.

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