Paul POV
"Hey Paul your staying here tonight while I take over patrol. Emily and Leah are going over to the Clearwater's to make preparations for the council meeting next week. Are you going to be okay here alone with Lottie?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Okay, well we're heading out." Sam paused in the doorway. He thought for a moment before telling me.

"She does know about us but she doesn't really know about imprints or how they work."

"Okay. Call me if you want to switch."

"Okay." Sam called over his shoulder as he went to knock on the bathroom door.

Lottie POV
A knock on the bathroom door drew my attention away from my overheating body.
"I'll be out in just a second!" I called out to who ever was on the other side.

The door cracked just a bit as Sam's voice called out from the other side.
"Hey I'm on patrol tonight and Em is heading out with Leah."

"Okay have a goodnight and please be safe."

"Aren't I always?"

"No that's why I'm telling you to be safe." I said shutting off the water and grabbing a towel. "Can you grab me a shirt and some shorts?"

"Yeah I'll have Paul bring you some. I've got to get going."

I started to dry off when I heard the to click shut. The house was quiet as an eerie silence fell over the Rez. I was pretty sure no one else was here so I walked out with a towel wrapped around my body. I walked around upstairs and gasped when Paul rounded the corner of my bedroom. His eyes darkened and he let out a low growl that made my legs pinch close. I bared my neck submissively and let out a whimpered "I'm sorry." His footsteps drew closer and he leaned down so his mouth was near my ear.

"Don't be sorry for looking so beautiful."

My cheeks grew hot as I put a hand on his chest and pushed him back slightly. I needed space so I could think properly.

"Thank you." I said as I took the clothes from his hands and walked past him into what Sam has dubbed 'my room'. I shut the door tightly and pulled on some of the clothes I had left here. I opened the door and laid down in bed. My eyes feeling heavy after everything that had happened over the last few days.

Paul appeared in the door way. A small smile played on his face. My eyes just barely open as I said. "It's creepy to watch someone sleep."

"I suppose that true. I guess it's a good thing you're not sleeping."
I pulled the covers tighter over my body. "Well are you going to stand there and stare or are you coming to bed?" He walked over to the bed and laid as far away from me as he possibly could.

"How is it that you know Sam but I don't know you?"

"Sam's mom was my babysitter when we were kids. We've been best friends longer than we haven't. I don't think I'd be the same person if I didn't meet Sam when I did."

"What do you mean?"

"I met Sam when I was seven after my mom left. I was acting out, getting into fights because I could, yelling at my teachers, cussing like a damn sailor. Just overall angry at the world. Mostly I was overwhelmed, my parents had just gotten divorced, my mom took my three year old sister and left me and dad behind. I didn't have the words to explain what I was feeling. So on a fishing trip with Billy Black, my Dad sought his advice. Billy told my dad that I needed some time to blow off steam and so Dad took me out of the last three weeks of school and let me hang out on the Rez. Jacob was still to young to tagalong with me so Billy introduced my dad to Sam's mom and me to Sam and let's just say he was my favorite person. Still is for the most part except maybe for my dad."

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