xi. 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Vera hated how proper and perfect the funeral had to be

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Vera hated how proper and perfect the funeral had to be. She hated the fact that it was big, big like a party, for her oldest brothers death. She hated that she had to stand in the front, while everyone paid more attention to her and her brother rather then the service for Erik. She hated that he was dead. She hated him for going too fast. She hated that stupid car. She hated everything.

Vera and Wilhelm had to walk after the casket, hand in hand, slowly and painfully. They moved slow, too slow. Life was moving too slow, the day just as worse. She wanted it to pass, wanting to go home. No, not home, but somewhere alone. She wanted to lay still, listening to her own heart. She wanted to ignore everyone's messages.

She just wanted to be completely still.

Vera finished setting up the forks at the table while her father and brother placed the food portions along the four seats. The space next to Vera empty. The Queen walked in when the pair were seated. "I was thinking, well, tomorrow, if you feel like it, if it feels okay, you could sit in on the morning meeting and learn how it works."

Vera looked at her mother, speaking to Wilhelm. He blinked. "Sure."

"Good." their father smiled.

For the first time, Vera was quiet.

"We could also talk about your school situation. I thought that maybe it would be good for Wilhelm to return to Hillerska, a familiar environment." their father looked to his wife as she took a seat. Vera meet eyes with her brother from across the table before they drew them away from the other.

"Just to think I have- Ever since I was born, I know I would inherit the Crown from Dad. But I had time to prepare myself. And so did... Erik." their mother spoke, sat at the end of the table and faced Wilhelm. "But now you're going to succeed me. You and your future children."

Wilhelm side eyed her. "And Vera?"

The Queen didn't even bother to look her daughters way as she spoke of her. "Well, Vera understand more. She had shadowed me for quite some time. She wouldn't, well-"

She then looked to Vera finally. "I'm sorry, darling, but it is just different when they look to the prince and the princess."

"Can't believe you finally noticed." Vera mumbled. Her father placed a hand on her back in a way to tell her it was not the time.

"So, it's really important that you will be a role model." the Queen continued on to Wilhelm. "No more mistakes. And you will be compared to Erik in every step you take."

She then looked down, putting the first bite of food instead her mouth.

"I already am." Wilhelm spoke, looking down at his food. "I always have been."

Their mother let out a cry, spitting her food into her napkin and raising to her feet, mumbling an apology, then leaving.

"Do you feel alone?" Vera asked Wilhelm on their ride back to school later that week. They hadn't spoken much, sometimes laying in each other's presence, but that had been all. "I know that we are in the same place now. But, I know I'm not the greatest role model as Erik was."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐘| Young RoyalsWhere stories live. Discover now