XXIII. 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧

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a pre birthday plan.

"Vera?" Alexander asked as the two sat together, awaiting Henry to preform at the rowing competition. "Your birthday is soon."

"Don't remind me." she continued to draw on the poster, turning Henry's name into bubble letters.

"Sorry. But, what do you do for your birthday?" he asked her curiosity, turning completely to her. "You'll go home, I imagine?"

"My mother host a party with a bunch of adults where she tells them i've done a lot of things I haven't actually done and things i'll do in the future that I won't actually do." she turned to offer him a smile. "Axel usually comes with me."

Alexander's face fell. "Will he be there?"

"He will be." she exhaled with a shake of her head. "Sadly, our Mothers are rather close and even if mine gives me her regards on the cheating matter, they'll still be invited due to tradition."

"I'm sorry." he frowned and put an arm around her chair. "What if we try to kidnap you?"

Vera paused on the Y in Henry's name, looking over as a smile went across her face. "Or what if you both just come?"

"That's allowed?" Alexander frowned his eyebrows together.

"I'm allowed one friend of a respectable family, and your father has made quite a name of himself." Vera pointed out. "Wilhem is also allowed a friend, my Father says it's fair. As long as I approve. Meaning, Henry can come too."

"I love that idea, but do you think it's smart?" he frowned and used his free hand to rub her knee. "I don't want The Queen to yell at you for having us there. And i'm afraid acting as if the three of us are just friends is not possible. Like, at all."

"True." Vera had to laugh. Despite not being able to be open with the boys, practically everyone that laid eyes upon them knew they'd been together. It was impossible not to. "I'd love to see the look on her face though."

Alexander looked toward the door where Henry would enter soon after. "Let me talk to Henry, but we wouldn't miss your birthday."

As if he summoned him, the boys came through the door after as their small school cheered for them. Alexander clapped for Henry as he walked out, Vera yelled and held the sign up. The boy grinned at the pair, using both hands to wave at either of them.

"Woo!" Vera cheered as Vincent and another boy from the other team jumped on first. It seemed as though they were in the lead, Simon jumping on next as Vera made sure to give him a little woo as well. Sara cheered a bit louder from behind her. Neil's was next, they were still in the lead even if it was a little close, Henry laid on the floor to hold his feet.

"Woo! Go, Wilhem!" Vera yelled for her brother when it was his turn, yanking on the bar that was suppose to resemble a row. Simon cheered him on with a hand on his back, making Vera smile.

"Yeah, Henry!" Alexander yelled, taking Vera and half their school off guard, when Henry got on.

"Yeah!" Vera laughed at Alexander's usually shy exterior dropped, cheering loudly as their boyfriend rowed and rowed, knocking them a little higher before it was time to switch back fo the beginning.

Vincent fell right off, bringing them back farther.

Green boat won, making everyone frown as Vincent threw a fit. Vera waved at Simon as he passed. She grabbed his arm to stop him. "Hey, don't let Vincent bother you. He's just a drama queen."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐘| Young RoyalsWhere stories live. Discover now