Chapter 21: The Head of the Snake

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The elevator came to a halt, the red and steel shuttle opening to the Labyrinth below and at the very bottom. The silver tunnels of Solan's underworld were ubiquitous and darker than Luka remembered. Concrete yet shining pillars pierced the roof and floor of the sparkling hallways perfectly spaced, apparently holding the very ground above them from caving in.

Solan dragged Luka out of the elevator, and they marched their way to the familiar blood red train Luka had boarded himself as an Outlander which whizzed around and below the continent. Solan's limp and pace was quicker than what Luka was used to since Calysa's arrow found his calf during the Final Game, his boots clicking upon the metal floor plates with angry and unsettled steps.

Solan threw Luka's limp body into the shuttle of the train as he awaited impatiently for Eeva and his comrades, who did the same and threw Eeva's chained body into the shuttle next to Luka.

"Sir we... we have to retreat back to the Labyrinth. Their Hosts are too powerful. We can't prevent them from breaking our line any longer," A voice boomed over Solan's radio in the hallway, Solan closing his eyes in disappointment. "The Tiger's defences are too powerful. The Bear is hammering our line. And the Raven kills anything which isn't protected with Sea Steel."

Luka realized they were talking about Solan's Outlander army charged with attacking Maeve and the people, trying to prevent them from making their way to the Trees.

Luka wryly smiled up at Solan, at the fact his army was losing to his twin sister and his dear friends. Luka smiled that his friends were winning their fight as he knew they could. Luka smiled at the obvious haymaker his team finally landed, erasing a slice of arrogance sprawled upon the Scientist's face.

Solan angrily boarded the train and started beating Luka with his Six-like fists and steel boots, Luka's smile too much for his ego to handle, putting all his weight into the stomps at Luka's ribs and head.

Eeva pleaded for Solan to stop as Luka was on the verge of unconsciousness, cuts opening all over his face and body as the Scientist finally concluded his assault with a deep breath and rapid turn and click of his black heels.

"Quiet, girl," Solan panted to Eeva who was crying at Luka's worsening state, running a disheveled hand through his now damp hair. Eeva cried at what seemed to be transpiring with certainty. Luka's demise.

Solan rubbed his rugged face with his hands and calmed himself, signalling his comrades to join him on the train as he punched in coordinates on the shining fluorescent panel next to the sliding steel door of the bullet train. Warrax and Wantara offered Luka an extra series of punches and kicks which Solan didn't object to, Eeva staring at them with anger and hatred and burning tears which stung her eyes like salt in a gash.

"I've already won," Solan reminded himself, as the train began to pick up its lightning speed beneath the ground. "And I will beat Maeve to the Trees. I've already won."

Solan turned Luka onto his back with a swift but gentle boot, Eeva almost able to see a black light bulb flicker on above his head.

Solan searched at the Wolf's waist. He grabbed the strange golden-brown root at Luka's waist which the Wolf had retrieved from the Chamber of Truth, and put it at his own, grabbing Luka by the throat with taut fingers and a purposeful pressed palm. "I'm not sure what they gave you, but you won't be using it on me," Solan snarled as he released the boy's throat, allowing the Wolf's limp body to slump to the steel tile.

Luka crumpled back upon the floor of the train in a ball and weak whimper, the series of wounds inflicted upon him by his recent beating not healing as his Gift tried to repair his radiation burns first and foremost.

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