Chapter 8

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I knew I had to ask Maddison out. This was my chance. But it was games season and she was busy with the cheerleading practices. I wanted to take time because I still did not have permission to drive. I had my driving test in a few weeks for which I begged and begged my parents to at least let me take the license. I told them I will refrain from driving till they would let me drive. But of course, I just told them that just for my benefit. This whole no driving clause is absurd, I admit that I drunk drive the car home back. But I was not that drunk and there were no accidents. I promised mom that I will never drink and drive again,

"So, you will never drink and drive?" Mom asked

"Yes, never in my life," I promised her.

"So, you will just drink, huh?" She asked.

I realised the trap.

"No," I shook my head very innocently.

"You swear on your mother that you will never drink." She added.

Now, I hesitated. Though I did not believe in swearing on someone, I still did not want anything bad to happen to my mother. I loved her.

"See..." Mom sat back. "Hye bhagwaan... What am I going to do with this American kid?"

"Mom, please.... I need the car. Just one night. I swear that I will not cause any problem. Just one night."

"For what?" Mom asked.

Never in a million years was I going to tell her that I have got a date. That too with Maddison. So I hesitated. "I've got this thing..."

"It's something problematic, isn't it?" She asked.

"No. God... why do you assume stuff? It's just something..."

Mom gave me a look. B was walking down the stairs, she crossed us to go to the kitchen. And her hair was still a bit wet. It felt like she has just taken a bath. She smelled nice. It was insane how I was noticing these things about B these days. But then well, B is a girl. And I was living with a girl for the first time in my life. And she is not even related to me.

I turned back to Mom. "So you won't let me drive?" I asked, "Ever."

"Not ever. But until you are older..."

"I turn seventeen in a month!" I commented.

"Yes, but you are not allowed to drive."

"This is insane."

"But if you behave very well, I can consider throwing a party for your birthday next month." Mom said. This made me snap into attention. I was never allowed a proper party for the last few years. Of course, I had kiddo parties till I was 10 years old. But not after that.

"How come?" I asked, surprised.

"Your father has to attend a conference in Chicago that weekend, and I have a colleague's wedding to attend in Hawaii."

"You are going to Hawaii?" I asked, but she ignored it.

"We felt really bad leaving you alone on your birthday. So your father and I thought of letting you spend it with your friends instead."

"Really? So I can invite whoever I want to."

"Yes. You can have your party wala party. But..." she added before I get too excited. "No drinking. I am going to ground you for life if there is alcohol and underage drinking in my house."

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