9 - "Nanami-san?"

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(I might as well be a ghost for leaving y'all hanging all the time. Had to rewrite this chapter for the 3rd time cus i keep changing the plot)

Author's/ No one's POV:

As the days in Hopes Peak passes by, Hinata, Soda, Kuzuryu, and Pekoyama had became good friends. So three days before Miss Sonia's birthday the four of them are walking in the huge mall in the big city of Tokyo.

"Hey... What does Sonia like again?" Hinata asked looking at the big bright shops in the mall.
"Beats me. All i know is that she's fascinated at everything in Japan." Kuzuryu said with Pekoyama following behind.

"What about you Soda? Got any ideas... Soda?" They looked behind as Soda was scrolling through his phone that seemed to be distracting him

They slowed down their pace a bit and peeked on him so find screenshots of his texts from a lot of their classmates, in all the text it showed him desperately asking them if they know anything Sonia likes

"Damn. Talk about desperate."
Soda finally snapped back into reality when Hinata patted his shoulder.
"It seems like you're taking this too seriously Soda-kun." Pekoyama commented.
"Course i am! This is for miss Sonia!" He defended himself.

"I have a decent budget on me and I'm willing to search this whole mall for her!" He said.
"Dude, you were panting when we walked through the parking lot going in. Don't kid yourself." Hinata chuckled.

"Whatever man. Anyways, what are you guys getting her?" Soda questioned
"She seems to be interested in my talent when she saw me on the first day. So i plan on getting her a kunai." Pekoyama said.
"I dunno, maybe a necklace or something?" Kuzuryu said.

"Hmm... To be honest i have no clue on what to give her... Maybe a video game? Sounds like something she'd be into." Hinata said as they got to the escalator.

All four of them stopped and Kuzuryu spoke up first.
"So, we meet in the food court in 2 hours. If any of you are late I'm ordering for myself."
And with that said, they went on their separate ways hoping they won't get lost in this massive mall.

Walking for a while Hinata stopped when he saw a game store.

'Video games... Does Sonia like or even play games? Eh what the heck.' Having decided that he would buy her a popular game thaf came out recently, he went in hoping it was still in stock.

"Excuse me, do you have the new Danganronpa game in stock? I think it's called... Danganronpa 50 Lies and light of despiar?" He asked a worker.

"Yes we do, we just got the delivery a few minutes and we're putting them on the shelves in a few minutes." The worker said.
"There's should be a girl in Isle 7 sorting out some boxes that should have them in it... You can ask her for a copy." The worker smiled and pointed to the isle.

Hinata thanked him and walked off. When he got to the isle he was fairly surprised to see a familiar face.

Nanami glanced over her shoulders to see her classmate standing a few feet away and greeted him with how an employee would greet a customer.

"Oh... I didn't know you worked here." He said
"Yeah. Working here gives me the benefit of testing games that haven't been released yet. So it's not that boring" The girl smiled.

Even though Hinata was also smiling, something about him was... annoyed. No... Annoyed isn't the right word for it. Whatever that feeling was Nanami could sense it just by looking at his eyes.

"Can i... Help you with anything?" She asked confused.
Hinata shrugged off that feeling as lack of sleep and told Nanami what he came for.

"Thanks, i'll be going now." Hinata smiled again. But behind that carefree relaxed smile was a feeling he couldn't describe.

He never had any severe trauma or bullying when he was a child, so for the most part his life was overall quite nice. Negative emotions were almost nonexistent aside from some stress of school and chores.

So feeling gloomy or having something to worry about is confusing to him especially when he doesn't know what's causing it.

He walked in and out of the store and back to the designated meeting spot in only 20 minutes.

'Well that was easier than expected.' He sighed in boredom still having an hour and a half to spend.

Over the next few minutes he sat near a fountain fiddling with his phone. That feeling from before seemed to disappear. But the thing that he wondered was not why he felt that way, but what was causing it.

Before he simply shrugged it off as being tired from oack of sleep, but deep down he knew that it wasn't that.

His thumb was seemed tl be scrolling on it's own when his mind wasn't even paying attention to the screen.

Seconds trying to figure out what that was became minutes. 5 minutes, 19 minutes, 1 hour...

'Could it be... Nanami? No... It can6be her. I have nothing against har. She's nice and helps me out from time to time and doesn't yell or get angry, let alone purposely annoy me. It can't be her.' He thought

When his friends finally came, he stopped thinking about it and almost forgot what he was worrying about. They ate, talked, and decided it was getting late and finally went to their homes.

Hinata was walking out the huge mall doors when he saw the gamer girl again, now out of her employee uniform and in her casual clothes getting ready to board the bus.

Their eyes met and gave each other a smile. Nanami waved as she was getting on the bus and Hinata waved back.

Though he was feeling fine and was even happy that he got to see her again, that dark, annoyed feeling bothered him again. But this time the feeling if surprise and confusion also flooded his mind.

Though he continued walking and looked calm on the outside, out on the inside... Thoughts began to run through his head like a river.

'No. No i'm not mad at Nanami. She's a good friend of mine. Even if i was mad what's the reason? There isn't one because i'm not mad. I have nothing against her... Definitely not Nanami. Definitely...'

His inner voice told him. Meanwhile being though he was conflicted on what caused his sudden cange his emotions, the girl in question has already grasped on what it could be.

'Hinata-kun...' She thought of him. Specifically the way his eyes looked at her. It looked normal, but with a hind of... Anger?
Although she was also confused at first, but after thinking for a while she finally put the puzzle pieces together abd figured out what might've been the reason.

'Nagito-kun, looks like you have quite the interesting person in your life.' She giggled a bit before going back on her game.




"Accho!" Komaeda sneezed while typing on his computer.


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