beware the red grinch

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christmas carol

Chapter 1

Meet the red grinch

It was cold morning and the sun just barley noon, and entering a mansion door, a woman with tan skin, and brown hair, wearing a red and white coat, was staring at a book, then getting the attention she looked. "oh hi there!" said the woman

" I bet you're here to hear a story don't you!" the figure nodded yes.

"well may not be much, but this is a true story, about what happen to one of my husbands employees not to long ago. In the surf side resort."

Staring at a picture of a surfing resort, and zooming in, and the very surf resort was in a christmas cheer, with decorations, and so much more and all are so much in the spirit of the holidays, except for one, growling through the streets, was a young woman kelly, who none understood why, but she hated christmas, and every year she's nastier then the last. With her hair brown, and hazel eyes, wearing a red coat, and black pants, was walking through the streets with christmas cheer, only to turn to out rage and tears as she road in, as she knocked over a salvation army bucket, "that will teach you for stealing from people!" The Salvation Army person sneered and yelled back." hey! whats your problem!?" said the holiday volunteer. Only for kelly to say, "those bums made their beds by not planing for a rainy day, or becoming drug addicted!, if their gonna die on the streets then let them! It will mean one less dirty bum! On the streets!" she left in a huff. "Wow!, what a grinch!" said the bell wringer.

for no one can answer why, kelly had hated christmas, the whole christmas season, and everything about it, she seem hellbent on her mission, to make everyone suffer on this joyous day, as kelly was walking by seeing 4 drunks singing good king winceslas, "good king winces las looked out on the feast of Steven!"

Then next she saw a santa all dressed up and was walking near the newly installed hot pool, that keeps you warm on a winter day. He was short cutting thorugh the pool, until kelly came up behind him and pushed him into the pool " oh! Oh!OOOOHHHH!" the santa yelled in panic before loosing his footing and falling in the pool, luckily some life guards manage to get him out. "someone is looking to get on the naughty list!"said the santa, "BITE ME! FAT MAN!" said the woman, then santa went into the nearest washroom and put on his spare santa outfit.

As she walks along, she hears a familiar tune to hear that made her more angry and hateful to christmas.

" where are you christmas? Why Can't I find you! Why have you gone away..!"

then kelly said "Oh shut up gwen!"

She brushes off the song, and then sees some carolers singing in a group, "deck the halls with boughs of holly! Fa la la la la la la la ! tis the season to be jolly! Fa la la la la la la la! Thou we now on gay apparel!"

"Try being gay after this!" said yelled and pushed the button the podium causing it to retract over, causing the carolers to scream and fall at the sight, as she left one of them said "What a grinch!" and they went to rebuilt the podium

But as she reaches a pirate theme restaurant at the resort, then when she came in she sees a girl with red hair, and a red, black, and pruple waitress outfit tallking to others in the group, including a man with red and brown hair wearing a purple and yellow uniform all fit for winter, another a tan man with a blone afro wearing the same uniform, another man with dark skin, also wearing the same uniform. All of them used to work under her co-worker they call bummer, but was killed when a freak tidal wave, came in swooped him to the sea, and he was thrashed around and the thrashed him on the rocks where he split his head open, by the time rescue medics arrived, it was too late bummer had drowned.

And next are other two women, one with blonde hair, wearing a purple and yellow house keepers outfit. Another with brown hair, with light brown hair highlights, wearing a light winter coat, and black jeans, with go go boots, a former employee, after her punishment ended, and allowed to quit, but still comes in to talk to her friends, but angers her that she's still coming, and kelly thinks shes doing it out of spite.

But with her hatred of Christmas all she can think is fumming, "hey!" and that got all their attention "I don't care if this is a family reunion, all of you get back to work!"

"geez wiz! Whats gone into you more then usual!" said the red haired man, then kelly replied " I don't know why your still here, lo ridgemont?!, but all of you should not be wasting you time!" pointing at the brown haired woman, even though it was the man who said it, until she was about to get up to get herself a drink, she step on an ice cube, and slipped, "waaaahh!" she screamed and landed on her back, was she regained her senses she heard a voice saying, "oh sorry miss!, my little theodore dosen't know how to be calm and not fidget, but he's so cute, when he's giggly." A blonde woman wearing a green christmas coat, holding her baby no older then 4 dressed like an elf.

Kelly got up heating up, "you better teach that...." She was about to say when a hand got on her mouth , then the girl named lo steppped in saying "you got to forgive her, she's my sister, she has some anger issues due to her boyfriend dumping her, and has a very bad case of terates."

"oh no worry! peace on earth!" said the woman, while she goes to her husband dressed up like Santa claus, the red haired man looked at that, then turned to the blonde girl, "well talk about mommy was kissing santa claus. Hey finn?!" he said to her, while lo with the help of the afro man, and the dark skin man.

"one more like that! And I may have to give ya a miracle on 34th street, reef!" she replied while kissing him.

While dragging her into the office, "ok even my dad would say it, if you want a hippopotamus for christmas, he'll get you one, because a cow won't do!"

"a cow!?., sorry I don't take tips from christmas loving ex-employees, or christmas loving employees!"

And then a door opened up to reveal a man no older then 29 with red brown hair, weaing a jean, long sleeve shirt, and black slacks, with winter boots. Came in and say, "how is my favorite resort crew!?" he said happily. "victor!" they all shouted in happiness, but kelly rolled her eyes " lo! So you and broseph? congrats!, and Johnny how's that college application outside the city?"

"Oh its coming in as we speak." Said johnny

"Baby sis!" he said hugging kelly "oh I miss ya so much!"

"what do want my childish big brother?" kelly said

"oh! Where are my mannerisms?, I came to invite you to mom and dad's christmas party, but I'm serious little sis, it would mean everything to them if you come home for christmas, we miss you."

"First off their your parents not mine, and second  I hate christmas and you know that, besides you keep christmas in your way, and I'll enjoy the day in mine!" said kelly in and almost grinchy retort.

"At least consider coming, I promise it will be spectacular!"

Kelly thought then said " let me consider it then I will give ya a call."

" I know things with your ex haven't ended ;like in a story book, and I know your tense with gwen." That name made kelly grind her teeth. " but should you appear, my door is always open!"

"ok big brother!" and with that he left with the other employees, " what is it that my brother sees in those good for nothings!" and she sees the invite and tosses it in the trash.

Just then the young woman with red hair, came in through the door, and peeked in, " hey kelly, mind to spare a few words?"

"what is it you want emma, you stole my future husband, you basically annoying my life! And whatever it is no!"

"but kelly, im asking for at least a week off, my dad isn't doing to well, and I need to spend christmas with him, and my family." Emma tried to explain.

"making up excuses? What is more important then celebrating a holiday that is a waste of time, if you ask me I can just cancel the day and have it erased!, so no your not talking those day off so get out of my sight!"

And that made emma cry and run off.

"those idiots"

as kelly huffed she went back to work

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