chapter 3 past

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Christmas carol

Chapter 3

It's the next day and kelly still reeling from last nights event, but not wanting to make people see that she's vulnerable she recovered her nasty self, while she was walking to her job, but a grim reminder is when she looked at the clock and it read 10:35, and she can hear bummers voice in her head say, "your gonna be haunted by three spirits expect the first at noon!".

Still anxious but her nastiness for christmas, outweighed the fears, when she saw her usual victim santa claus juggling candy canes to entertain the kids, that she grabbed some kids marbles while the little girl had her head turned, while she cried, kelly ignored and went up near santawhile he was attempting to jump while jugling on one leg, he was doing well until.

"Hey fatman! Try another trick!" she tossed the marbles causing santa fall over, causing his candy canes to fly all over the place, hitting a suspended plastic raindeer to become loose and swing hitting a grandmother causing her to fall over and hit the ground hard, she laughed while saying "oh! Grandma got ran over by a reindeer!" everyone just stared at her with angry looks as she goes off, but some individuals one in a blue cloak with blue eyes, another a chubby one wearing a purple cloak 'chubby' said the purple figure, 'sorry' , with white glowing eyes, and last with a black, and red cloak with red eyes watched on

And next kelly spies emma talking to lo for what she dose not care, soon sees another target a boy dressed up like a little drummer boy, while his parents are talking to him " mommy! I can't wait for my recital!" said the boy.

"I bet your gonna be a great little drummer boy!" said his mom, this making kelly sick to her stomach, she decided to rain on his day, so she grabbed a bucket of ice, and filled it water, " change of plans brat your all wet!" she came up and poured the bucket of freezing, while the kid cried, and the mom tried to calm him down, "Hey mam! Not cool! A kid can get sick like that!"said the dad, but kelly does not care, and just replied "what ever!" lo came and gave the kid a towel, while finn caught up to kelly, while the cloaked figures watched, "kelly that kid didn't deserve that he can get sick like that!" she scolded.

"what ever!, let him get sick and die, it will mean that their will be one less underserving person on the street!" she yelled and that shocked finn, and the figures observed enough, and the purple figure pointed a black cloaked figure to follow a worker dressed like a cartoonish purple orca dress in winter clothes on the left, the blue clocked figure went to the right, while the purple figure went straight for the hotel.

While at her pirate theme resturant, and there she went to her office, but was waiting for her is emma, "hey kelly!" she said being kind, "what do you want!?" said kelly, "look we may have gotten off on the wrong foot yesterday, but I must ask for a christmas off please?" kelly glared, "what could you have that's so important then the waste of time!?"

"my dad is sick, and my family is going to the hospital to give support, and so I was thinking...."

"the answer is still no, and I don't want to hear anymore excuses, or lies, and get back to work!" shouted kelly, and once again made emma run away. And after and hour of work, the time came for him and made her way to an Italian theme restaurant, and their a man with brown hair, tan skin in a business suit, along with a bald, mustache man in a grey work suit are sitting on the same table as they did emma looked up on the clock and it said 11:55 and thinking back to what bummer said, "your gonna be visited by three ghosts, expect the first at noon".

"so kelly, what are your plans this christmas?" said the executive. Taken back but the question, she can only think of this "Oh!, nothing special, mr. ridgemont, just gonna go and spend christmas with my family!" she replied sheepishly but then saw on he napkin that read, 'wow you're a freakin, liar!', she was taken a back, then stared at the clock and it reads 11;50.

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