chapter 4 present

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The christmas carol

Chapter 4

"for the record wyatt, you agreed to our brake up!, and for the record gwen! You never given any thought to our friendship, hell im fine on my own, sure its depressing on days we treasured it! On birthdays, on sunsets, but to hell with it!"

Kelly was shouting, it had been two and a half hours since her visit from the ghost of Christmas past that took the form of the movie manager kahuna, and for the that first hour maximized her rampage, she even found a girl with a art gift at first went up to her, "oh hi sweetie!" the girl looked up and gave a warm smile "hello!" she sweet smile, " my my what a present you got there, whose it for?" the girl replied " for my mommy I for sure she's gonna love it"

Then kelly's smile turns wicked, "that's too bad!" she then swiped the little maccaroni art portait of her and her mom riding a reindeer, with her daddy and tore it up "HEY!, I work all day on it!" she said teearing up feeling betrayed by the stranger she just met, then she laughed bac saying " sorry little brat expectations are made to be broken, besides parents only tell ya they love your gift to them, to spare you from how much they hate it!" she yelled causing the girl to run where her father saw her and and tried to calm her down as kelly left, but not before putting a hand to his face, as in a talk to the hand gesture.

"hope  she's happy with the woman she is?" the dad said sarcasticly

Only for kelly to hear, "Well you bet I'm happy with the woman I become thank you son of a bitch!, in fact in fact I couldn't be any happier!"

A crowd nearby couln't believe their ears, a mom puts her hands on her sons ears to protect him from the bad words kelly has been spewing.

As she kept walking to the hotel she saw a cart selling chestnuts, and as the man was selling and giving the bags of sweet salty nuts, that roasted on an open fire, kelly went over and kicked the cart, and then laughed maniacally "roast that on a open fire!" that got the venders attention and saw his cart was running away. And he went to chase after his cart.

But just as she was nearing the hotel, to clock in for work, her anger and hate turns to the holidays did turned back to guilt and saddness, that she squandered the best things in her life, but will not let go of the hate towards the Christmas day, for as far as shes concerned christmas  is where all the bad things happen.  As she neared the groms llittle pace a runned down surf house, but not skin off her nose, those groms should be grateful its better then nothing.

"serves them right for celebrating christmas!"  then she saw something in the sand, and as she got closer, it read ' oh honey you can't be any more wrong, better watch out, and better not cry!'

That scared her and looked at her Iphone, and saw it was almost 2:55, and saw a purple shadow heading her way and she freaked out, and ran, fast as her legs could carry her til she saw the hotel, and sought to hide from what ever is chasing her, when Kelly unknowingly ran pass the same carollers as before and rammed into them causing them to fall over.

"out of my way you loiterers!" shouted kelly as the purple shadow inches closer. Seeing no option, and seeing the clock its already 2:58, and so she ran to the lobby where mr. ridgemond sees her, "kelly you got some explaining to do!"

"no time I running for my life!" She yelled running.

"You have any idea how much time I waisted keeping your crew in check!"

"Look mr. Ridgemont my day is a lot worst believe me!" as she reached the elevator and impatiently pressing the buttons " c'mon!, c'mon!"  but seeing the entity coming closer, it wasn't long til the elevator door open and then pressed the 4th floor button, and as the entity came closer the more she pressed the 4th button as hard, and as many times as she can, until it closes.

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