chapter 5 future

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Stoked the chritsmas carol

Chapter 5


Kelly was yelling and pacing back and fourth, trying to get any attention, for anyone. "HEY anyone out there!, I get it I'm a bitch and if you get me out of the pool area, I'll except any witty remarks you have, and not get mad or vengeful!"

Then began to dance around hoping to get someone by saying, "look!, I'm getting nothing for christmas!, cuz I been nothing but bad!, I pushed a santa in a pool, said mean things to orphans!"

She has to get out, because looking at her watch its about 1 minute from 6, and and it be her  last appointment, and heeding the warning of bummer it be terrifying and harsh. That's when she heard a clattering of keys being dropped, then she looked at her side and saw the pool keys, as she goes to picked them up, she heard an ominous breathing, it sent chills to her spine

Then  as she looked behind her, she saw wily the orca, a man in a killer whale costume, purple with orangeswim trunks, kelly sighed with relief, not paying attention the wily was turning to pick up the keys.

"oh wily glad to see someone...." But then it stopped short as realizing one thing out of miss, "wait how did you get in here?"

Then that's when wily pulled out a record and a record player, as he placed it, his flipper tore open to reveal a skeleton hand, and in place of the needle it plays a recording of bummers voice, "expect the last in the final stroke of 6", that got her frozen in place, as wily went to the whale mouth, with both hands tore it open, to reveal a skeleton orca, and the costume turned into a black cloak, with burning red eyes, and red and black mist and smoke comes from him.

Kelly was awestruck and shaking, " oh you got to be kidding me, your ghost number three!" her  mind screamed, somehow finding some feeling in her legs, then the ghost showed her the keys and tossed them in front of the gate of the pool. she tries to flee, thinking the spirit is giving her a headstart, as the spirit went into the pool,while she made it to the keys, she struggled til she  found the right key,then  she turned her head and saw a ghostly shadow orca splash out, and the ghost orca grabbed her leg and dragged her in the pool, screaming.

While submerged, kelly was looking around to see the orca, just as she looked at her right, and was seeing a blue light orca coming for her, she swam up, only to see, that she emerged from a fountain, "what the hell?!, jerk!" saying confused, probably thinking she slept in the fountain, but does not know how., she got out and tried to go on with her life, until she stepped out of the hotel, she saw it was christmas, and the daytime, this caused her shock, until a calendar got her attention, as she saw a calendar and it was reading 2025, hoping to get an answer about it, she went to her job, but saw in their people she doesn't care to recognize there.

And all are laughing their heads off, couldn't wrap her finger around it, she tries to get their attention, she was shocked until she saw ghost number three on the table, and the ghost gestured to sit, kelly took a seat, and watched everything, then a woman she knew well showed up, it was lo but grown up, wearing the captains uniform, and its one employee that look like she was in a hurry, " my... you look like you just got away from the miser brothers!?" the employee was a woman, with light skin, red with purple streaks, and wearing the red uniform," sorry I was late lo, the bus was having training with new drivers!, anyways merry christmas boss!" then lo with cheer," and a happy new year to you, diana jay!" both laughed,

Then as lo went up to a customer, a man with a civil war beard, and a blue business suit was in a chair, as lo took his order, he asked, "so hows things going since you became manager?, since you replaced the lost sister of the miser brothers?"

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