New Christmas start

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The light was fading, and Kelly was still screaming beginning the spirit to let her live. "No,no ,no!, spirit, spirit!, please, I want to live, I want to be a better person.

Then she fell on the floor, and se can hear voices filed her ears, as she open her eyes, and saw she was on a cold ceramic floor, hearing beeps of a heart monitor, "kelly!, kelly! Calm down!" Said a voice, sounded like a girl.

As soon as Kelly, regain her senses, and soon realizing she is in the hospital, and she's wearing a white hospital gown, still confused as she saw, fin and the other groms, lo and Emma included all gathered around her.

Still unaware of anything, she asked, "why I am here?, what happen?!"

Reef came in "you slipped on an ice cube, and hit your head pretty hard, you were out for a whole day, luckily the couple that ice you slip on are doctor and nurse, and jumped to action!"

Then that's when it hit Kelly. " he what day is it?!" Broseph was about to say, but then was stopped, "oh no, you lie to me, and I understand why!" Seeing iv tubes, she ripped them off, and ran to the door before the groms can stop her, to see a couple with their son about to enter a room.

" hey you!" The kids was caught in her attention, "hey you there young boy, tell me is it Christmas!?"

The kid's dad replied "no it's the 15 of December it's not until 10 days from now, you crazy nut!"

Kelly was shock, and what he said is true, as she sees the calendar, on the nurses desk, then thinks before the nurse can get her back into her room, "why would the spirits send me back that far, unless it's to get me prepared, that way when I open my eyes, it would be a new me to celebrate, it means, I haven't missed it!" She jumped in cheer.

"But first things first." She turn to the groms, " why are all of you guys here!" She said in fake anger, the groms were about to ask "what the heck, we...." , Kelly stopped them, "but most of it why are you working on Christmas!?, you should be home, with everyone you love on Christmas!"

The groms were in suprise, " Kelly are you...?"

"Ok? More then that, let's just say my dream friends help me see the error of my ways, and let me say don't worry about mr. Ridgemont, especially with that falling apart house, if that rich cheapskate thinks he can sweep it under the rug, he has another thing coming, so go out there and make your love ones Christmas the best their is, especially you, emma take all the time you need with your dad, even if it's his last Christmas!"

Emma was stunned, "you mean that!?"

"Don't push it, I may get demoted to a house keeper, but we need to have time till we can cross that bridge."

"Wow Kelly this is the first time I see. That side of it before."

"Your not the only one, I got other things I need to fix, as they said on the polar express, theirs no time to waste there's so much to celebrate!"

Kelly checked herself out of the hospital, and went to the people she was terrorize, or hurt. The first on her list was dead target, " come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, come all ye denizens of Bethlehem, come and behold him, born the king of angels..." sang the carollers

But stopped when Kelly came in front of them, but something wasn't right for the carollers, but Kelly collected herself, "hey remember the whole loiters crack, or all the things I've done to you guys, all I want to say is I'm sorry, and all I ask is for you to spread your Christmas cheer, this place is always great for everyone to feel the holiday spirit!"

The carollers sang "we forgive you!"

Then next is for the Santa Claus she terrorized, and he was going out handing chocolate covered marshmallow snowmen, some dress like Olaf, when the Santa saw her, and on instinct, he coward and braced for the worst, but Kelly gestured to calm, "hey Santa look, I'm not going to do anything to you, in fact, I'm here to apologize, I have no right to punish you, when you are trying to give kids happiness if their sad,  in the joyous day."

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