Chapter 12: Tadashi..?

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Hiro's POV

Hearing Tadashi's voice, everyone, including me, spun around.

"T-Tadashi?" I slowly stuttered, trembling like a maniac.

"Hiro..." The voice trailed off, but I had to see my brother again. I began to run into the shadows where it seemed like Tadashi was, but Honey grabbed my arm.

"Hiro!" She yelled, me still focusing on Tadashi's voice. "Don't! It's a trap, you know-" I cut her off.

"I have to see him again!" I shouted, not caring how loud I was being. "Please!" My mind was on absolutely nothing but my brother.

"Hiro, we all want to see him again, but we can't take the risk-" Honey was cut off again, by me.

"NO! I have to see my brother!!" I shouted again, beginning to tear at Honey's arm. I accidentally scratched her, and she started bleeding.

"Ow! Hiro!" Honey yelled, grabbing her arm as I ran off into the shadows.

Back in Third Person

Oh Hiro... Aunt Cass thought, wanting to see her nephew again too, but knowing it wasn't really there. Just then, Baymax popped in front of everyone, lifting a finger.

"I heard a sound of, distress. What seems to be the problem?" He asked, slightly tilting his head.

"Oh, I'm just bleeding a little, that's all. It's alright, Baymax." Honey told him.

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked, his stomach armor lifting so that he could show his scale.

"Um, two, I guess?" Honey shrugged, still holding her arm.

"I will, patch your injury up. " Baymax said, bringing out a napkin and a bandage. He handed Honey the napkin so she could wipe the blood away, then used his finger to spray some numbing medicine on her arm. Next Baymax put the bandage on carefully.

"Thanks, Baymax," Honey said, putting her arm down.

"You have been a good girl. Have a lollipop," Baymax said, holding up a red lollipop.

Honey took the lollipop, thanked Baymax again and carefully put it inside Wasabi's pouch.

As soon as Baymax put his armor back down, they heard a scream, then someone in tears.

"No!" The person shouted, enraged. "Why, why would you do that!? I- I can't believe I thought he was still here..." The voice trailed off, everyone realizing who it was.

"We have to save Hiro! Come on!" Aunt Cass urged, running to the same spot Hiro had ran to and disappeared. Everyone ran after her, their hearts beating fast.

"Help! Somebody help me!" Hiro shouted, still a good ways from where the gang was. "No, please don't, you-you can't! STOP!"

There was a final shriek, and then everything went silent. The gang slowed then stopped running, everyone exchanging worried glances at each other. Aunt Cass clenched her fists and stared down at her feet, pain and sorrow in her heart, as everyone began to realize what happened.

Everyone looked at her, sorrow filling the area. Honey Lemon walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Cass, I..." Honey trailed off, still looking at Aunt Cass with sad eyes.

"It''s okay..I.." Aunt Cass clearly lied, wiping her eyes. "It's just, just that-" Aunt Cass's voice cracked, and she burst into tears, hugging Honey Lemon. Wasabi and Baymax gathered around, joining the hug. They stayed like that, Aunt Cass with tears strolling down her cheeks.

After a minute or two Aunt Cass stood up straight, everyone breaking from the hug, and she wiped her eyes again, sniffling.

"W-what's the point?" She asked quietly, tears still coming.

"What do you mean?" Honey said with a frightened expression on her face.

"I mean," Aunt Cass said, her voice rising a bit, and beginning to sound stern, "I mean, what's the point of all this? Why? Why'd we have to come here, to be superheroes, to save them?!" She shouted, loud enough that it echoed throughout the sewers.

"I don't even want to be here! I don't want to do anything, I don't even want to save them!" She yelled again, tears rolling off her checks as she took a step back.

Everyone had shocked faces, Honey covering her mouth, and they all leaned back a bit.

"Aunt Cass, we know you don't mean that-" Honey's sweet voice was cut off by Cass's angry one.

"No! I do mean that, and I just want to go..HOME!" She shouted, yelling 'home' at the top of her lungs, causing her voice to echo again.

"W-well, okay..." Honey Lemon said, now frightened of Aunt Cass. With a frown she turned around along with the others, and began to slump away. "I-I guess, you c-can just go home, and we'll figure s-something out," She stuttered gloomily, looking over her shoulder so she could see Aunt Cass.

Aunt Cass looked at her with a stern face, but it began to change into a sad one when Honey looked at her, her eyes filled with sorrow and despair.

Honey Lemon turned the other way again as Baymax and Wasabi began to slowly walk away, and she mumbled to Aunt Cass softly and sadly.

"Hope you got what you wanted."

Aunt Cass's POV

I watched as they slumped off, into the shadows. I raised my hand towards them, opening my mouth to speak, but closed it again, thinking they hated me now. All I could do was stand there, my thoughts racing at me, attacking me.
What now? I can't believe this happened! First Tadashi, now Hiro... No, something's not right. Hiro...

My thoughts were interrupted by Honey and Wasabi's voices.

"Aunt Cass! Hurry!"

Third Person POV

Aunt Cass stared daggers off into the shadows. She didn't know what was in there, but she knew it couldn't be good.

"I'm coming!" She shouted, popping her helmet on. She repeated, beginning to run towards their voices.

"I'm coming!"

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