Chapter 1

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As we returned to the palace, I asked Eric to fetch Isla, the only person I trust with my life besides Eric, myself, and my mother.

"You wanted to see me, your majesty?"
"Yes. As you know we will be invading Wellsburg in two months and I have a new assignment for you", I say as we make our way to the map room.
"May I ask what kind of assignment, your majesty?"
"I need information, Specifically on Wellsburg's palace security", I inform her as we arrive at our destination, "routines of the royal family, who they're close with, their enemy's, guard shifts, and anything else that will prove useful in our invasion. Understand?"
"I will not fail you, your majesty." Isla says with a small bow before she makes her way toward the armory to prepare.

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The sky outside is a deep shade of royal blue speckled with deep purple as hundreds of constellations light up the sky. I stand on the balcony connected to my room looking at the stars over my kingdom. My parents used to teach me about the constellations. Every night before tucking me into bed my mother would tell stories of how the stars were formed and how they are actually tiny balls of gas letting off the soft glow that I see every night. She used to tell me the legend of the Moon and the Sun. A tale as old as the kingdom itself.

"Mama, why does the sun go away every night?"
"It is their agreement, little one", she said smiling.
"Agreement? What agreement, mama?"
"Have you ever heard the legend of the moon and sun?" I shook my head. I had never heard about it, "will you tell me? Pleaseeee?", I whined not ready to go to sleep.
My mother let out a small laugh,"Well, it started thousands of years ago when the earth was new. The Sun was always shining for the people. She kept them warm and gave them light. The Sun had a twin named the Moon. The Moon was very lonely and jealous because the Sun was always away with people to give her company. Once the Sun learned of the Moon's feelings,she decided that she would make time for her sister everyday. The people of the Earth became scared without the Sun and angry with her for leaving them everyday. When the Sun came to see the Moon one day she was upset and tired. When the Moon asked what was wrong, the Sun explain what was happening on earth. The Moon knew that the Sun was tired and offered to be a light for the people in the night so they may not be mad at the Sun.", she paused looking out at the moon through the window.
"Then what mama? We're the people still mad?", I questioned eager to know the end. My mother snapped out of her trans at my questioning, "The people were not mad. They rejoiced for the new light in the sky. The Sun and Moon agreed that this was the best solution and have kept rotating ever since.", she finished looking down at me. I looked up at her in confusion, "But won't the Moon be lonely still?", I questioned.
"She longed for the company of the Sun, but soon the people decided to talk to the Moon making her forget all about the lack of attention from her twin." I went to ask another question but she put a finger over my mouth, "It's time for you to go to bed now, little one. You may ask more questions in the morning." Too sleepy to argue, I let her tuck me into bed and drifted to sleep.

I sighed at the thought of my mother. I always had a good relationship with her. My father...not so much. They had died fighting in a war I knew little about when I was 7. I know neither of them would like this war or the fact that I refuse to end it peacefully, but I cannot stop until Wellsburg gets what they have been asking for. I have two months to plan an invasion that I cannot afford to lose. With that I walked into my room to lie down and dream up a plan.

I'm the Sun and They're the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now