Chapter 3

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A/N: Read the next chapter first!! Or else this one won't make sense!

It had been 3 days since Apollo first arrived at the palace. I have been doing my best to avoid him if I can but he always finds me. 'How? I don't know, but it's annoying and a bit unsettling' I thought. I was sitting in the throne room deep in thought when...
"What are you thinking about?" I jumped at Apollo's voice. He laughed,
"I'm sorry, your Majesty. I did not mean to startle you."
"It is fine. What are you doing here?"
"No no no, you have to answer my question first." He said with a childish grin.
"I was thinking about how I can't get a moment to myself! Now, why are you here?" He looked taken aback. And hurt.
"I was just going to let you know that a letter came for you and I believe I have come up with a sufficient plan, my Queen." He said quietly. Then, with a quick bow, he went to make his way out of the room.
"Wait!" He turned around, "I was also thinking that this room is quite dull. Maybe when the war is finished we can... make it look more lively...?" I wasn't lying. The throne room was painted a dull gray, with chipped green accents across the walls. The chairs, besides the throne, were also the same green as the accents. In short, the room desperately needed to be updated.
"That sounds lovely, your majesty." He smiled and walked from the room. Soon, I too made my way to the map room.

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'Dear YM(your majesty)

So far I have gathered that there are guards shifts every 3 times a day: early morning, high noon, and midnight. The 2nd shift appears to be the weakest and newest of the guards. Still trying to verify their enemies and Allie's
                                                          - Is

"High noon." I say aloud. That's when we should attack according to this letter. Apollo quit pacing to turn and look at me.
"To attack? Why?"
"We'll according to my intel, there's a guard shift and they appear weaker."
"Just because they appear to be weak doesn't mean they are, Celeste. But I agree with you, it's an unusual time and that is why it works." I just nod my head in agreement. 'He used my name again' I thought.
"I was thinking we attack in waves or should we attack all at once...Celeste?"
"You said my name without the title, why?" I asked. I should be mad at him for not listening to prior instructions, but I'm confused.
"Because it's your name, titles are too long and boring." He explained, "Why? Do you like it when I use your name?" He moved closer.
"I don't mind, I guess." I said as he moved closer.
"Then I'll use it more, Celeste." Closer.
"Celeste." Closer.
"Celeste, my love." His face was inches from mine. He moved and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

What the hell just happend? And why did I just sit there? I should have pushed him away, I should have left. I mean he's married for heavens sake! And yet, I still have feelings for him. And worst of all...
He knows it.
At this point it's impossible to tell if he is being genuine or not. I can only hope that I haven't made a mistake in letting him be here.

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