Chapter 4

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I'm still in shock hours later as I lie awake in bed. I can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try and I ultimately decide that a walk to the kitchens would be better than sleep.

When I get to the kitchens though, I find Apollo has beat me there.
"Can't sleep?", he ask warily.
I shake my head refusing to give him a verbal answer.
Sigh. "I'm sorry about earlier, Celeste. I forget that we aren't as close as we used to be", I look up to see him tossing an apple between his hands, "do you remember when we were kids? We had all these crazy fantasies about ruling the world together".
A ghost of a smile appears on his face as he remembers all our schemes. They were silly ideas that would never work such as using an army of Rhinos.
His smile fades slightly, "but then we grew up and this dream of ours could become a reality". As he looks up we lock eyes for a moment. It could become a reality. I look away, "It's late, I should go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow".


Apollo POV:

I hardly get any sleep. I'm clothed and training by 4. I keep thinking back to our conversation last night. Isla should be returning with "bad news" any time now. And then the plan will be in motion.

"Shouldn't you be saving your strength?" My thoughts are interrupted by a voice calling out. I turn to see Celeste up on the balcony overlooking the training grounds.
"Just warming up!" I called back. She smirks as I turn back to the wooden dummy I was beating up before. I know there won't be a battle or the end of a war in a couple hours. I know that Isla will be back soon.

After 20 minutes I decided to head in and get changed. On my way in I pass a maid and ask her to bring food up to my room. My temporary room here is the hall adjacent to Celeste's. The hall is a short walk to the training rooms. Unfortunately, it takes forever to walk to the dining hall. One of the only design flaws of this castle.

As I pass Celeste's room I hear talking coming from inside. I peer in to see Isla and Eric talking.
It's all going to plan.


Celeste POV:

"Your majesty!"I turned to see Eric walking toward me. He looked slightly panicked.
"Is something wrong?"
"Isla has returned, they sniffed her out". My eyes widened at this. Isla has never been caught. But then again perhaps she isn't the only spy here.

Authors note: sorry this is so short and it's taken this long! I've been super busy with school and all my activities. I also hit a bit of a stump but don't worry I'll try my best to write more!

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