Who Are You Staring At?

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*The same day as the last chapter, but Sara teleported them all back to Kara and Lena's loft with her time currier. *

*3rd person pov*
Their all back at the loft now and Kara was hungry so she got some potstickers. She just flew there in her normal clothes since it doesn't really mater anomore after she came out as Supergirl. The rest are all playing Monopoly and Lena is obviously winning. Kara came back and is just watching everyone play, well more accurately watching Lena play. Alex who is sitting next to Kara is noticing the obvious stare Kara has going on and decides to tease her sister. " Hey Kara why don't you ask her out already?" Alex whispers into Kara's ear, which earns her a punch in the shoulder. Then John decides to speak up " Alex has a point Kara," John was Reading Alex's mind to see if she new Kara likes Lena so he can help Kara, but mostly just tease." Shut up John". Then Nia also decides to join in on the secret conversation " Oh my god, Kara did you just swear without it being an 80' swear word?" Kara sighs " I said golly one time, one time" everyone chuckles at this. And Kara thinks that maybe today is the day to come out, its been a week since she came out to Alex and she's ready to come out to the rest of the superfriends, " Guys I have something to tell you, I'm pansexual" Alex hugs Kara's side to show her support, and everyone responds:

John:" I know, I read your sister's mind, but I'm proud of you Kara and I'll love you no matter what"

Kelly : " I'll always support you Kara, your my sister in law now we're family, no matter what.

Esme :" I don't know what Pansexual means but you'll always be my aunt"

Nia:" Welcome to the community"

Brainy : " I'm a twelve level intellect, i can read body language like it's a sport, and your in the history books as an Lgbtqia+ icon, I knew already."

Lena :" Cool, I'm bi"

"Thanks for the support guys" Kara says, " Wait Lena your bisexual?".
"No I'm bipolar, I'm joking of course I'm bisexual" Lena says.

* Kara's pov*
Oh my Roa, Lena like girls, hejshskabskshskajsb ( gay kerboard smash™). Maybe she does like like me, like Esme said. But what if she doesn't and I'm just making a foul of myself?

* Johns pov*
These girls are into each other but they are acting like their blind, because they can't see that the other likes them. Maybe I'll just tell them, but I don't want to meddle, that's something Alex would do. Maybe I just wait. Yeah that's a good plan, I'm smart but even I didn't know someone could be so oblivious.

* 3rd person pov*
Everyone went back to playing Monopoly, well exept Kara who is eating her potstickers like they are the best thing in the world.
* 30 minutes later *
Lena won Monopoly, she has multiple PhD's and a company, what do you expect. Everyone went home exept Lena because she live there now, and they planned a movie night.

* Lena's pov*
We're no watching a movie on the couch. Kara is snuggling into me so I'm not watching the movie because I'm too distracted to do so. Kara's really warm, it's probably her Alien genetics, it's nice. I don't even know what film we're watching but knowing Kara it's the Wizard if Oz. I'm just staring at Kara when she looks my way and catches me looking at her. I blush, she looks so cute. Our faces are pretty close as I can feel her breath on my face, not that I mind the closeness it's just that I think I'll turn into a tomato if she looks at me any longer. I see her glance at my lips. What? Why? Does she lov- like me too? I can't help myself and also glance at her lips. Then she asks " Lena, can I kiss you?" I just nod, cup her cheeks and pull her into a kiss. Hduskshakan we're kissing, oh my god, I'm kissing Kara Danvers. This is the best thing ever, it's like fireworks are exploding in my mouth. But not in the dangerous murdery way, in a good nice way. Kara breaks the kiss and I gasp for air as I pull her in for another. When we break apart again I ask " Will you be my girlfriend?" and Kara smiles wide, wider than I've ever seen and replies " Yes, I'd like that more than anything in the world!" we went back to watching the movie, well not really watching more like kissing and staring, but it doesn't matter, she likes me, she's my girlfriend. We slept together that night, not in the sex way but in the cuddle way. Kara is the best thing that ever happend to me.

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