Chapter 4 Act I

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(F)'s POV
Third Person
Christmas Eve Four Years Ago

"Peter! Where's (F)? I thought the two of you were supposed to show up together, aren't you guys in the same neighborhood?" Snow drifted by in the air, much of it having already accumulated on the ground.

"Uhh, he got held up. He said he'd be a little late, but he'll still be here." Peter nervously lied through his teeth. His breath blew out in front of him.

"Tell her I'm gonna be really late! This guy doesn't want to go down!" Peter heard (F)'s voice in his ear. Peter quickly shut off the COM Link and stuffing it in his jacket pocket.

"More like really late."

"What does that boy do with his time? It's not like he has a girlfriend or anything... Wait does he?" Gwen inquired. Her golden hair flew in the light breeze.

"Not that I'm aware of." Peter chuckled, thinking about the trouble (F) would have to go through to keep his identity secret and have a girlfriend at the same time.

At this time, (F), Peter, and Gwen were supposed to be meeting up to hang out with Miles for a little Christmas party the younger friend had set up. However, (F) had gotten himself caught up in Spider Business. This was the first appearance of Herman Schultz aka The Shocker, and Spider-Man was not having fun. He was starting to get irritated.

"Alright buddy, I've had about enough of getting knocked around like a pinball. Put the tech down, or I'm gonna have to really hurt you. It's Christmas Eve for crying out loud! Can't you guys just take the holidays off?" Spider-Man cracked his knuckles, brushing dirt and rubble off his usual red and blue suit.

"Do you take the holidays off?" Shocker flung his fist out, firing a charged beam, that Spider-Man had already seen coming.

"No, but I guess that gives me my answer now doesn't it." Spider-Man had done a backhand spring forward, where he went up and over the blast. Shocker saw what was coming and brought his arms up in front of him to block. Though things didn't go as he planned, Spider-Man's feet smashed into the gauntlets that gave the Shocker his power, sending pieces all over the road.


"Oh yes!" Spider-Man shouted, throwing webs all around the villain and stringing him to a lamppost. "Word of advice, maybe bring a few friends. You're gonna need it." Spider-Man shot off into the distance, swinging until he vanished from sight.

Once he had done so he found a backpack where he kept all his clothes, he quickly threw his usual attire over the red and blue suit. The clothes generally consisted of a t-shirt of some kind, dark colored jeans and a jacket to top it all off, but right now he had two heavy jackets on, and a red Spider-Man beanie.

(F) took to the streets, hastily walking along the sidewalk. He was late... super late. Generally when this happened, Gwen would reprimand him, which would involve the blonde to avoid talking to him for a few days. That wasn't all that fun for the Spider.

(F)'s phone started ringing. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket to see the screen said 'Peter'. He answered, only to hear Gwen's voice instead.

"(F), you better have a good reason for being this late."

"Sorry, Doc asked me to drop by so I could see what he and Harry have been working on. They were... very insistent and they wouldn't take no for an answer. Then on the way over here, I got caught up trying to avoid the fight between Spider-Man and that new guy umm, what was his name? Doomfist?" (F) told a half truth, nervously running his fingers through his (H) hair. He had stopped by Harry's lab to see what he and Doc had been working on. However, he was caught up trying to avoid the fight... he had been caught up in the fight.

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