Chapter 5 Act I

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Mary Jane's POV
Third Person
Earth-27848 New York Police Station

"Junior! Come on, you're gonna miss it." MJ called out, looking at the child firmly attached to her leg.

"Miss what?! It's scary up here!" The little red haired boy exclaimed.

"Do you want me to hold you? Will that make it not scary?"

A little red headed boy nodded, unlatching himself from his mother's leg. MJ and her son were standing on the roof of a police station, overlooking the city. The child's mother, swooped him up in her arms.

"What are we doing up here?"

"We're waiting for a friend of mine to show up."

"All your friends are boring!" Junior groaned. "When are we gonna see Uncle (F) again?"

"Baby, your Uncle (F) is a super busy person. It's really hard to get ahold of him."


That wasn't true. MJ could get ahold of (F) very quickly, but she thought it was best to avoid contact unless there was an absolute emergency. That all started the moment Peter turned into the Green Goblin.

Today was a little different though. (F) had promised that Spider-Man would show up on Junior's fifth birthday. (F) had called ahead of time just to make sure it would happen. Though he mentioned he didn't have a lot of time, something about Peter and a multiversal threat.

"Mommy? What are we doing here?"

"Hold on just a second." MJ droned out, taking a quick look at the watch on her left wrist, moving Junior over to her right arm.

"Heads up!" A red and blue blur flipped onto the building, landing in one of his signature poses.

"Spider-Man!" Junior shouted, sliding out of his mother's arm and running over to the masked hero.

"Hey Junior. How are you doing? Are you keeping your mom safe?"

"Yeah! Do you know those new Spider-Guys that showed up?" Junior's bright blue eyes widened with wonder as he look at his reflection in the lenses.

"Oh yeah! There's Spider-Woman, she's the one with the white and black suit that has the pink. There's Silk, she's the one with the black hair, the white and black suit with the red bandana and the red spider. Then there's Spider-Man with the black suit and the red spider, and then there's another Spider-Man that looks like metal with the green lights in his eyes and around the different spider symbol."

Junior tilted his head in confusion.

"There's three Spider-Men?"

"Oh buddy, you have no idea how many Spider-Men there are. There are an infinite number of Spider-Men... Well Spider-People."


"Sorry, that's a little bit too confusing for you right now. Shouldn't be putting thoughts of the multiverse into your little head just yet." Spider-Man ruffled the little boy's hair.

"Hey, Spider-Man? I have a question."

"Go ahead, pal."

"Have you found my dad yet?"

The lenses of Spider-Man's mask widened, quickly looking between Junior and his mother. With a quick nod from MJ Spider-Man hesitantly continued.

"I've been looking for your dad, but he's a really hard man to find. After with what happened at Oscorp I don't really know what happened to him." Spider-Man lied.

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